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Transfer Report Mapping
- 1 Summary
- 2 Configuring the Transfer Report
- 3 Transfer Data Mapping (Base Fields)
- 3.1.1 ClinSpark
- 3.1.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 3.1.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 3.1.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.1.1 ClinSpark
- 5.1.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.1.3 Clinical Data CSV
- 5.1.4 Clinical Data Excel
- 5.1.5 Variable Attributes
- 5.2.1 ClinSpark
- 5.2.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.2.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.2.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.3 [domain]GRPID
- 5.3.1 ClinSpark
- 5.3.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.3.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.3.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.4 [domain]COM
- 5.4.1 ClinSpark
- 5.4.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.4.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.4.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.5 EPOCH
- 5.5.1 ClinSpark
- 5.5.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.5.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.5.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.6 COHORT
- 5.6.1 ClinSpark
- 5.6.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.6.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.6.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.7.1 ClinSpark
- 5.7.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.7.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.7.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.8 VISIT
- 5.8.1 ClinSpark
- 5.8.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.8.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.8.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.9 [domain]DTC
- 5.9.1 ClinSpark
- 5.9.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.9.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.9.4 Variable Attributes*
- 5.10 [domain]TPT
- 5.10.1 ClinSpark
- 5.10.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.10.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.10.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.11 ROWID
- 5.11.1 ClinSpark
- 5.11.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.11.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.11.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.12 [domain]REPEAT
- 5.12.1 ClinSpark
- 5.12.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.12.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 5.12.4 Variable Attributes
- 5.13 [sas field name]U
- 5.13.1 ClinSpark
- 5.13.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 5.13.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 6 Transfer Data Mapping (Custom Fields)
- 6.1 Reporting Custom Data Fields
- 6.1.1 ClinSpark
- 6.1.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 6.1.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 6.2 Available Data Types
- 6.2.1 ClinSpark
- 6.2.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 6.2.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 6.1 Reporting Custom Data Fields
- 7 General Notes about Data Mapping
- 7.1 Horizontal Reporting of Data
- 7.1.1 ClinSpark
- 7.1.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 7.1.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 7.2 Vertical Reporting of Data
- 7.2.1 ClinSpark
- 7.2.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 7.2.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 7.3 Omitted Data
- 7.3.1 Unscheduled Data
- 7.3.2 Canceled Data
- 7.3.3 Nonconformant Data
- 7.3.4 Unsaved Data
- 7.1 Horizontal Reporting of Data
- 8 Transfer LAB_DATA Mapping
- 8.1 LAB_DATA Exports
- 8.1.1 ClinSpark
- 8.1.2 Clinical Data XPT
- 8.1.3 Clinical Data CSV and Excel
- 8.2 LAB_DATA Variables
- 8.1 LAB_DATA Exports
This article is intended to provide details related to mapping of CRF data in XPT, CSV, and Excel transfer style exports - addressing variable setup in ClinSpark and reporting of those variables. In this article, “Base Fields” refer to variables that are fully or partially intrinsic to the ClinSpark application and not fully modifiable by site users. “Custom Fields” refer to variables that are based on study design and therefore entirely modifiable by site users.
Configuring the Transfer Report
The behaviour of the Transfer Report can be adjusted through both system level and study level configuration options.
System level configuration is managed through the use of a Global Setting (In Administration > General Settings) with a key of “TransferReportSettings”.
The setting value is controlled by superadmin users; changes must be submitted through the service desk so support team members can modify it. However, non-superadmin users who have access to the System Settings component can view the current setting value at any time by accessing the hyperlink next to MD5 checksum.
The setting file provided will have the extension .globalsetting
which can be opened by any standard text editor (such as Notepad).
The setting value is in “JSON” format - a simple data-interchange format that uses human-readable text to store information.
System level settings can be overridden at the study level through the use of study aliases assigned to an item group. Any item group can be used for storing the settings, but we suggest creating a group named ‘Transfer Report Settings’ to aid easily identifying settings within studies.
The use of configuration is perhaps best illustrated through examples. Firstly, consider a Global Setting value that configures the Transfer Report to include unique row identifiers and use ‘-’ as a separator between elements of the Unique Subject Id (USUBJID):
"includeUniqueRowId": true,
"USUBJIDSeparator": "-"
Next, here’s an Item Group containing aliases to configure USUBJID to use a ‘.’ for separator and the Lead-in number for the subject number:
As a general rule, the ‘context’ used for an alias will be ‘TransferReport.’ followed by the setting name used in the Global Setting.
The available settings for both aliases and the global setting are:
Setting Name | Description | Possible values | Default |
dataWrap | The character to use to wrap data in text files (e.g. CSV files). Normally a quote | Any value |
delimiter | The delimiter to use when generating text files (e.g. a comma is used for CSV files). | Any value |
includeUniqueRowId | Determines if the |
includeUnlockedForms | Allows inclusion of data linked to unlocked forms |
includeSiteId | Determines if the |
USUBJIDSeparator | The separator to use between elements of the | Any value |
USUBJIDSubject | The subject number to use within | See the section on | randomizationScreening |
A note on date and time formats
When extracting data from ClinSpark in the transfer style exports, users see different datetime formats. The ultimate ClinSpark goal is to report all sorts of date and time information according to the ISO 8601 format (YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00).
For example:
…shows a date of 01-June-2017 and time of 15:32:43 in the -05:00 UTC time zone.
While working on these aspects in the background, we would like our users to be aware and manage the following differences currently still present:
System driven datetime information (–DTX columns)
Any datetime information that is system driven, is presented in ISO8601 format. The column containing the system driven entry datetime is called –DTX.
Datetime obtained through data collection (–DTC, –DAT, … )
The majority of the date & time type fields that the customer defines when creating forms, end up in ISO 8601 format in the Transfer Data report.
However, there are some types that do not yet follow this path:
Incomplete Datetime
Incomplete Date
Incomplete Time
Partial Datetime
Partial Date
Partial Time
Incomplete type date time fields end up in the Transfer Data report in the followin format: YYYY-MM_DDTHH:MM:SS.
Datetime obtained through Volunteer Integration form
During screening, Clinspark allows for data available in the volunteer file to be transferred into the study:
Medical History
Substance Use
Concomitant Medication
Due to the fact that the majority of the information is historical - the volunteer might not remember the actual day or month when a condition/intake started - we opted to work with dedicated fields for Day, Month and Year. This allows users to leave the parts that are unknown blank.
The downside of this approach is that the information is transferred from the volunteer file to the study in a string format. As a consequence the following fields are reported in the Transfer Data report in a DDmmmYYYY format, only taking into account the date times entered:
The goal is to ensure that also these date and time fields end up being ISO 8601. A corresponding ClinSpark Development ticket has been added to our backlog.
To end with, to obtain more information on UTC and local time from Wikipedia:
“UTC does not change with a change of seasons, but local time or civil time may change if a time zone jurisdiction observes daylight saving time (summer time). For example, local time on the east coast of the United States is five hours behind UTC during winter, but four hours behind while daylight saving is observed there.”
Further information on working with dates and times using the ISO 8601 basic and extended notations can be found at the SAS® support knowledge base.
It is possible to change the format of dates and times in transfer reports, but this needs to be done by IQVIA support staff via request on the service desk and may incur a fee.
Randomized Subjects
When generating the report, this option will narrow output to subjects that have obtained a randomization number. However, if subjects are also defined as part of the report input prior to generating, this setting will be ignored.
Transfer Data Mapping (Base Fields)
Study ID, or Protocol Name, is established as part of Study Configuration and is used to uniquely identify a study.
Clinical Data XPT
Protocol Name maps within every dataset under a “STUDYID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Protocol Name maps within every dataset under a “STUDYID” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
STUDYID | Study ID or Number | Yes | STUDYID | (none) | 20 | Text | The ID of the study. | Protocol name if defined, otherwise study name | (none) |
The ‘Location OID’ associated with the Study Site.
Clinical Data XPT
If the Transfer Report settings request inclusion of the SITEID variable, Site ID maps within every dataset under a “SITEID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
If the Transfer Report settings request inclusion of the SITEID variable, Site ID maps within every dataset under a “SITEID” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
SITEID | Site ID | Yes | SITEID | (none) | N/A | Text | Study Site Identifier | (none) | (none) |
Domains are established at the Item Group level and are used to define datasets. CRF Items contained within an Item Group will report within that Item Group’s Domain.
Clinical Data XPT
Each unique dataset manifests as a SAS Xport Transport File when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV
Each unique dataset manifests as a Comma Separated File (CSV) when reported via a Clinical Data CSV Transfer report.
Clinical Data Excel
Each unique dataset manifests as an Excel Tab when reported via a Clinical Data Excel Transfer report
Variable Attributes
DOMAIN | Domain Abbreviation | Yes | DOMAIN | (none) | (none) | Text | Dataset for data reporting | Domain abbreviation as defined at Item Group | (none) |
Subject IDs are a Concatenation of Study ID (established as part of Study Configuration), Site ID (the study site Location OID) and Subject Number (established as part of a Cohort Assignment), separated by a suitable separator. This should uniquely identify a subject across all studies.
The specific separator used is configured through transfer report settings (with a default of ‘-').
The specific subject number used is configured through transfer report settings, the available options are:
Setting Value | Description |
randomizationNumber | The subject’s Randomization Number |
leadInNumber | The subject’s LeadIn Number |
screeningNumber | The subject’s Screening Number |
randomizationScreening | If a subject has a Randomization Number it will be used, otherwise their Screening Number will be used |
randomizationLeadInScreening | If a subject has a Randomization Number it will be used, otherwise if they have a LeadIn Number it will be used, otherwise their Screening Number will be used |
leadInScreening | If a subject has a LeadIn Number it will be used, otherwise their Screening Number will be used |
Clinical Data XPT
Subject IDs map within every dataset under a “USUBJID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Subject IDs map within every dataset under a “USUBJID” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
USUBJID | Subject ID or Number | Cond. | USUBJID | Concatenation of STUDYID and Subject Number | 20 | Text | The ID of the subject after randomization. | ClinSpark randomization number | (none) |
Group IDs are used to ‘bind’ together data collected within a unique Form, even when that data spans multiple records or multiple domains. For example, an “Adverse Event / Concomitant Medication” Form may contain AE Domain data as well as CM Domain data, with that data associated across datasets by way of shared AEGRPID and CMGRPID variables.
Clinical Data XPT
Group IDs map within every dataset under a “[domain]GRPID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Subject ID’s map within every dataset under a “[domain]GRPID” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
Domain Comments are established at the Item Group level and are used to further describe the contents of that Item Group. If a Comment is not specified, Item Group Name will map under this variable.
Clinical Data XPT
Domain Comments map within every dataset under a “[domain]COM” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Domain Comments map within every dataset under a “[domain]COM” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
Epochs are established as part of Study Configuration and define distinct ‘stages’ of the study (i.e. Screening, Lead-In, Treatment, Follow-Up) through which Cohorts will progress. Epochs only report alongside Scheduled activities (i.e. activities that are part of a schedule of assessments) and are left blank for Unscheduled (i.e. ad-hoc) or Common (i.e. Adverse Event) activities.
Clinical Data XPT
Epochs map within every dataset under an “EPOCH” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Epochs map within every dataset under an “EPOCH” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
Cohorts are established as part of Study Configuration and define ‘groups’ of subjects who progress through Epochs (‘stages’) of the study together. Cohorts only report alongside Scheduled activities (i.e. activities that are part of a schedule of assessments) and are left blank for Unscheduled (i.e. ad-hoc) or Common (i.e. Adverse Event) activities.
Clinical Data XPT
Cohorts map within every dataset under a “COHORT” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Cohorts map within every dataset under a “COHORT” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
Visit Numbers are established during CRF Design and numerically describe a Visit (‘Study Event’).
Clinical Data XPT
Visit Numbers map within every dataset under a “VISITNUM” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Visit Numbers map within every dataset under a “VISITNUM” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
VISITNUM | Visit ID or Number | NO | VISITNUM | (none) | 20 | Text | The ID or Number of the visit | Study Event Visit # | (none) |
Visits (or ‘Study Events’) describe study days (i.e. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3) or categories of activities (i.e. AE / CM Details). Scheduled Study Events are used to organize activities that are scheduled to be collected on a particular day. Unscheduled Study Events provide a container for ad-hoc activities that were not initially scheduled to be collected during a particular visit or at a particular time point. Common Study Events provide a container for a sub-set of unscheduled activities (like AEs and Con Meds) so as to quickly differentiate these important activities from other unscheduled activities.
Clinical Data XPT
Visits map within every dataset under a “VISIT” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Visits map within every dataset under a “VISIT” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
VISIT | Visit Name | YES | VISIT | (none) | 40 | Text | The name of the visit. | Study Event Name | (none) |
DTC variables capture the Collection Time for data fields contained within the same Form. This is intended to represent the date/time at which a data collector performs an activity. For more information on how Collection Time is captured, refer to the Collection Time Knowledge Base Article.
Clinical Data XPT
Collection Time maps within every dataset under a “[domain]DTC” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Collection Time maps within every dataset under a “[domain]DTC” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes*
Timepoints are established during Activity Plan (or schedule of assessments) design and represent the timing of activities relative to a reference activity (typically Dosing). Timepoints are either positive (if the associated activity is scheduled to be collected post-dose) or negative (if the associated activity is scheduled to be collected pre-dose). Reference activities, or activities off of which other activity are timed, are denoted by an asterisk (*). The parenthetical number after a timepoint represents the instance of reference activity within an Activity Plan. For example, an activity plan might contain multiple days of dosing with the requirement that activities on a particular day reference that day’s dosing. In order to avoid confusion about which dose an activity is referenced off of, all activities referenced off of the first dose will be marked with a parenthetical one (1), all activities reference off of the second dose will be marked with a parenthetical two (2), and so on.
Clinical Data XPT
Timepoints map within every dataset under a “[domain]TPT” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Timepoints map within every dataset under a “[domain]TPT” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
A unique identifier for each row in the dataset. The Transfer Report uses internal identifiers from within ClinSpark to guarantee uniqueness for each ROWID and to guarantee that the value will be unchanged each time the report is created.
Clinical Data XPT
The unique row identifiers maps within every dataset under a “ROWID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
The unique row identifiers maps within every dataset under a “ROWID” variable when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
An Item Group may be marked as Repeating, allowing the contents of that Item Group to be documented multiple times within a Form. This is particularly useful for Concomitant Medication documentation, where there may be multiple concomitant medications administered in response to an Adverse Event while the exact number of concomitant medications administered is variable across subjects or unpredictable during study design. The instance of a Repeating Item Group is reported as #1, #2, #3, etc.
For more information regarding Repeating Item Groups, please refer to the following Knowledge Base Articles:
Clinical Data XPT
Item Group repeat numbers map within every dataset under a “[domain]REPEAT” variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Item Group repeat numbers map within every dataset under a “[domain]REPEAT” column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Variable Attributes
[sas field name]U
Units are established at the Item level and report to the right of the associated data field under a header that shares the same SAS Field Name as the corresponding variable with a “U” appended to the end. Please keep in mind that SAS Field Names should never be longer than 8 characters. Since the U will be added to the SAS Field Name of the corresponding variable, the user should be make sure that the SAS Field Name of the variable itself is NOT longer than 7 characters.
E.g. If you would like to collect the length of the subject’s arm. The corresponding SAS Field Name cannot be ARMLNGTH as the corresponding unit column will be called ARMLNGTHU, being 9 characters long and therefore not accepted. ALNGTH and ALNGTHU would work just fine.
Clinical Data XPT
Units map within the containing Item Group’s dataset next to the corresponding variable (with a header of ‘Variable SAS Field Name’ + ‘U’) when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Units map within the containing Item Group’s dataset next to the corresponding variable (with a header of ‘Variable SAS Field Name’ + ‘U’) when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Transfer Data Mapping (Custom Fields)
Reporting Custom Data Fields
Because ClinSpark is an eSource, EDC, and Data Management system, it must support capture of data with both Source or CRF ‘Origin’. Origin is established at the Item level during CRF Design, where Items marked as CRF Origin are eligible for transfer reporting and Items marked as Protocol Origin are not.
SAS Field Names (or variable names) are established at the Item level during CRF Design and are reported within the containing Items Group’s domain.
Clinical Data XPT
Custom fields map within the containing Item Group’s dataset under the established SAS Field Name variable when reported via a Clinical Data XPT Transfer report.
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Custom fields map within the containing Item Group’s dataset under the established SAS Field Name column header when reported via a Clinical Data CSV or Clinical Data Excel Transfer report.
Available Data Types
ClinSpark offers the following data types (established at the Item level) for use with custom data fields, as defined by CDISC ODM: text, integer, float, date, time, datetime, string, boolean, partial date, partial time, partial datetime, duration datetime, interval datetime, incomplete datetime, incomplete date, incomplete time.
Clinical Data XPT
An example XPT file including all available data types can be found here:
Variable naming is as follows:
Data Type | Variable Name |
text | TEXT |
integer | INT |
float | FLOAT |
date | DATE |
time | TIME |
datetime | DATETIME |
string | STRING |
boolean | BOOLEAN |
partial date | PARTDAT |
partial time | PARTTIM |
partial datetime | PARTDTTM |
duration datetime | DURDTTM |
interval datetime | INTDTTM |
incomplete datetime | INCDTTM |
incomplete date | INCDATE |
incomplete time | INCTIME |
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
An example CSV file including all available data types can be found here:
An example Excel file including all available data types can be found here:
Variable naming is as follows:
Data Type | Variable Name |
text | TEXT |
integer | INT |
float | FLOAT |
date | DATE |
time | TIME |
datetime | DATETIME |
string | STRING |
boolean | BOOLEAN |
partial date | PARTDAT |
partial time | PARTTIM |
partial datetime | PARTDTTM |
duration datetime | DURDTTM |
interval datetime | INTDTTM |
incomplete datetime | INCDTTM |
incomplete date | INCDATE |
incomplete time | INCTIME |
General Notes about Data Mapping
Horizontal Reporting of Data
If only a SAS Field Name is specified as part of CRF Item Metadata, those variables will report horizontally as column headers with values listed beneath.
Clinical Data XPT
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Vertical Reporting of Data
If a SAS Field Name and a SDS Var Name are specified as part of CRF Item Metadata the SAS Field Name will become a column header and variable SDS Var Names will report vertically beneath the SAS Field Name with corresponding values listed to the right under a [domain]ORRES header.
Clinical Data XPT
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
Omitted Data
Unscheduled Data
The following variables are omitted from transfer reporting for data that is added as unscheduled (i.e. ad-hoc data): EPOCH, COHORT, [domain]TPT.
Canceled Data
Canceled data is suppressed from exporting and provides a means by which unnecessary data my be omitted from transfer reporting.
Nonconformant Data
Nonconformant data is suppressed from transfer reporting, as this data likely requires attention before incorporating into datasets. Nonconformant markings can always be removed within the application by entering an Annotation against the nonconformant Item field.
Unsaved Data
Unsaved data is suppressed from transfer reporting, as no values have been entered against the corresponding data fields.
Transfer LAB_DATA Mapping
LAB_DATA Exports
Laboratory results are displayed in ClinSpark and reported in transfer exports according to values and ranges established by the laboratory. This is to say that laboratory test values, ranges, and alerts are exported exactly as they are reported by the reference lab unless a qualified site user chooses to override reported results within ClinSpark’s Lab Orders module. In the scenario of overriding results, full audit history is maintained.
Clinical Data XPT
An example XPT file including example laboratory results can be found here:
Clinical Data CSV and Excel
An example CSV file including example laboratory results can be found here:
An example Excel file including example laboratory results can be found here:
LAB_DATA Variables
The following table describes variables found in the LAB_DATA dataset:
Variable Name | Description | Additional Details / Controlled Terms |
STUDYID | Study Identifier | Unique identifier for a study. |
DOMAIN | Domain Abbreviation | Two-character abbreviation for the domain |
USUBJID | Unique Subject Identifier | Identifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product. |
LBGRPID | Group ID | Used to tie together a block of related records in a single domain for a subject. |
EPOCH | Epoch | Stage of study (i.e. Screening, Lead-In, Treatment) |
COHORT | Cohort | - |
VISITNUM | Visit Number |
VISIT | Visit Name |
LBDTC | Date/Time of Specimen Collection | - |
LBTPT | Planned Time Point Name |
LBNAM | Vendor Name | The name or identifier of the laboratory that performed the test. This is defined in the ClinSpark interface via study site Central Lab ID. |
ACCSNNUM | Accession ID or Number | The ID of the kit used at a subject visit. |
LBDTM | Actual Collection Date and Time | The local date and time of actual specimen collection at the site. |
LBDTN | Actual Collection Date and Time | The local date and time of actual specimen collection at the site. |
ITEMNM | Item Name | Name of item containing lab service code(s) |
BATTRNAM | Battery Name | The name of battery or panel to which the test belongs. |
BATTRID | Battery ID | The ID of the battery or panel to which the test belongs. If a Battery ID does not exist, use the Test ID from the next level. |
LBTEST | Lab Test Name | The name of the test performed as defined by the data provider. |
RPTRESC | Reported Text Result | Reported text result by laboratory. |
RPTRESN | Reported Numeric Result | Reported numeric result by laboratory. |
RPTNRLO | Reported Reference Range Low | Reported lower limit of reference range by laboratory. |
RPTNRHI | Reported Reference Range High | Reported upper limit of reference range by laboratory. |
RPTRANC | Reported Reference Range | Reported lower and upper limit of reference range by laboratory. |
RPTU | Reported Units | Reported result units by laboratory. |
ALRTFL | Alert Flag | The alert flags generated by the laboratory reference ranges applied and tied to the reported result. There are 12 alert flags: |
REVDTC | Date/Time of Review | Review restricted to applicable laboratory reviewer |
REVSIG | Significance | Significance assigned by applicable reviewer. There are two options: |
REVRPT | Repeat | Repeat status assigned by applicable reviewer. There are two options: |
DELTFL | Delta Flag | The delta flag generated by the reference ranges applied and tied to the reported result. There are three delta flags: |
FILCRDTC | File Creation Date and Time | The local date and time the data file was created at the central laboratory. This includes a Universal Time Offset plus/minus hours and minutes. |
TSTSTAT | Test Status | This indicates what the status of the test is. There are three test statuses: |
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