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Default Item Groups
Default Item Groupings are used when a unique item group instance is required per one-to-many code list items. For example, a physical exam item group may contain a series of items to be collected per body system as well as an item containing a code list of each body system. Setting default item groupings allows a user to establish a unique item group instance per body system (or other code list items), with the body system pre-filled and un-editable at the time of data collection.
Setting Default Item Groupings forces a user to collect against pre-established instances of an item group.
Step-by-step Guide
Default Item Grouping is established at the Item Group level by clicking “Add” next to the Default Item Groupings header:
Upon clicking “Add”, specify a code list item to be pre-populated as part of a unique item group at the time of data collection. In this scenario, the Body System item contains several body systems to be collected as part of a physical exam.
Adding a default item grouping per body system will force a data collector to complete required fields for each system:
At the time of data collection, each default item grouping response is pre-populated and associated with the remaining item references within the containing item group:
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