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Assemble Activity Plans
Role: Study Designer
Think of activity plans as schedules of assessments, which can be associated with subjects as data collection schedules. If an activity plan is associated with a subject, then the contained activities (“forms”) become available for collection against that subject. Activity plans may be timed or untimed.
Untimed activity plans allow activities to be scheduled without strict timing enforcement. Typically, stages of the study that are not dependent upon dosing (such as screening and admission) utilyze untimed activity plans. For example, screening activities can typically be collected at any time during a screening visit.
Timed activity plans allow for strict enforcement of activity timing - typically in relation to dosing. In timed activity plans, activities are scheduled relative to a reference activity (like dosing) and timing tolerance windows are established for each activity. For example, PKs may be scheduled and multiple timepoints pre- and post-dose and may be collected within X number of seconds of that scheduled timepoint.
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