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Sample Task Deviation Windows
Configuring a sample path task allows users to have a sample deviation check for timing. These deviations windows are optional and when left empty indicates not to check for deviation.
Configure Sample Path Step
Prevent Early?
Prevent early can be optionally configured within a pathway for any given task to disallow the task to be processed before a given time. The prevent early option is to be used with the Pre-Collection Window being defined for a given sample task. By enforcing the Deviation Pre-Window this will allow users to indicate how early, if at all, a user can complete a given step
Example Use Case 1
Do not Centrifuge sample for 30 minutes after collection
Example Use Case 2
Let sample clot for 30 minutes and Centrifuge within 60 minutes
When processing samples users will be prompted with the amount of time until processing can proceed if being done early:
Pre-Collection Window
Deviation seconds allowed pre-collection of the sample task timing. If the prevent early box is not checked this deviation window will prompt the user for a reason the task is being done early and not disallow for processing to be completed.
Post-Collection Window
Deviation seconds allowed post-collection of the sample task timing. This deviation window will prompt the user for a reason the task is being done past due. A reason must be provided to move forward.
Manage Default Comments
Default comments are managed within Administration > General Settings > Data Collection > Default Comments.
When default comments are configured, users can optionally select a reason for the deviation. At anytime a user can still use free text if these default comments are configured.
Default comments are optional and if not configured in General Settings, free text will always be required by a user
Deviation Reporting
Within Samples > Manage
deviation(s) will be calculated based on the sample pathway configuration and annotations will be stored against each sample task
These are also exported within Study > Report > Sample Processing
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