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Establish Data Reviewers
Role: Clinical Research Coordinator
Establishing Data Reviewers
In order for defined users to leverage the review capabilities in the Study > Data module, they must be added on a per-study basis within the Study > Configure > Data Reviewers module. One-to-many ClinSpark users may be defined as data reviewers on a per-study basis.
Users defined as data reviewers have access to the review functionality in the Study > Data
component. Study Monitors (or ‘CRAs’) are the most commonly-established data reviewers for studies.
Upon defining data reviewers for a study, the following fields are required:
User: Defines the user (full name and username) to be established as a data reviewer.
Reviews Require Signoff: If checked, the reviewer must enter their username and password each time that they mark data as reviewed. If unchecked, username and password are not required.
Editing Data Reviewers
Users can perform the following actions to manage per-study data reviewer configuration. Note that all of the following actions can be performed at any time during a study without affecting already-documented reviews:
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