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Requesting support
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible support experience. We ask that our customers take the time to provide us important information when creating service desk tickets. Without detailed information of the issues, screenshots, or screencasts we cannot offer the best possible support and achieve quick resolution.
Search the online documentation
Choose the right ticket type
Use Incident tickets only when necessary
Please include fullscreen screenshots
We love screencasts!
Self Help First
We encourage customers to try and answer questions on their own first. IQVIA expects sites to work with their ClinSpark subject matter experts to deliver first line support to end users. Customers are encouraged to try and solve issues that arise on their own first, seeking the answers in our documentation available directly from within ClinSpark. This documentation is frequently updated.
If issues cannot be resolved through self help methods, then the service desk portal is the best way to reach out to the IQVIA team.
Selecting the correct request type
There are 6 ticket types available in the service desk. Ticket types correspond to the different triage pathways, stakeholders, and the different types of support they provide. Therefore, It is important to choose the correct ticket type to ensure that your ticket is triaged correctly and in a timely manner.
While it may be tempting to select an incident ticket type to flag an urgent non-incident ticket, this may inadvertently slow our response as it may cause the ticket to be sent to the incorrect group. Instead, please note the ticket’s urgency and associated timelines within the ticket itself (see Urgency & Prioritization).
When submitting your ticket, please select from the following:
Ask us a question: Ask us a general question or submit a request which is not otherwise covered in the customer service portal.
Product functionality changes & requests: Request a change or enhancement to the platform or its reports, dashboards, integrations, modules, etc. (Note: Fees may apply for new or non-standard requests)
Environment changes & requests: Request changes, upgrades or maintenance to a ClinSpark environment. You can also request new environments here. (Note: Fees may apply for new or non-standard requests)
Report a possible bug: Report minor issues to the system which do not impede your ability to carry out normal business operations.
Report an outage, service degradation, or other incident: Report an outage, service degradation, critical bug, or other type of incident. This includes application malfunctions resulting in a degradation or loss of functionality with a potential for impact on study operations or data integrity. Incident severity is classified based on your assessment of the incident type and incident impact.
Report a security or privacy incident: Report a security or privacy incident related to the ClinSpark application. By default these are considered Level 1 severity (ie, the highest level).
Note that during ticket intake, triage, and investigation, the IQVIA team may update ticket types to ensure they accurately reflect the request. This will allow us to more efficiently organize and track our open tickets, as well as generate accurate support metrics.
Urgency & Prioritization
Prioritization helps to determine who is responsible for resolving and how the our team is made aware of the issue. This is especially important for ‘Incident’ level tickets.
Whenever raising a ticket, it’s important we know how critical it is, especially if the issue is related to any study or business specific timelines. Be sure to mention those details in the request description.
We take all incident tickets seriously. It’s important that when a ticket of this type is created, it’s done so under the appropriate level of prioritization. All incident tickets must contain highly detailed descriptions with appropriate screenshots and screencasts describing the issue.
In addition to suggesting a due date, it’s also helpful for our team to know when you would like an initial response by if the ticket is a more general inquiry.
Proper Summary
Summaries help us gain a quick understanding of the issue at glance. It should set expectations, and if possible, summarize the issue without being too wordy.
Poor summary: Cohort activation issue
Better summary: Cohort activation issue in Study XYZ987, subject number 123, cohort ABC
Note that, during ticket intake and triage, the IQVIA team may update summaries which are too general in order to facilitate communication across the team which is providing your support.
Concise, Relevant, and Detailed Description
Issues get resolved quickly by providing as much detail as possible. Lack of detail will require additional follow up questions during ticket triage and increase the amount of time needed to address the issue.
This is by far the most important element of any service request.
We encourage and often times require that customers submit screenshots and/or screencasts fully demonstrating the issue from the customer’s perspective. Some support tickets can only be solved with this level of detail, so it’s important they’re always considered right from the start.
Basic details we require:
Full context of the issue, summarizing any steps that may have been taken or need to be taken to reproduce
Environment details, including the URL of the environment the issue is related to
Study, epoch, cohort, study event, and subject details wherever applicable
Component of the application the issue relates to. We often reference components via the left menu item such as Study > Data or Samples > Processing.
A specific date/time the issue started happening or reoccurring
Some additional details that are always helpful are:
The usernames of any ClinSpark users experiencing or impacted by the issue
Device details such as the type of device being used (laptop, iPhone) and browser type and version (Chrome 70.1.2883.9, etc.)
Attachments that are related to the request, such as example reports or related documents that are directly applicable to the request.
Note that, during ticket intake, triage, and investigation, the IQVIA team may update ticket descriptions to help everyone involved in support understand what is needed, when, and why.
IQVIA will frequently request customers to provide a screencast describing and demonstrating the issue being raised in the service request.
We’ve taken a liking to screencast products such as Loom. It works both as a Google Chrome extension right from within the browser, and as a stand-alone application available for both Windows and Mac users. We use this product extensively ourselves and have found it invaluable in our support efforts.
It may be necessary to consult with your own organization's IT department for assistance with selection and installation of a screencast product.
Good screenshots help us understand the issues being presented and drawing a connection between the issue description.
Great screenshots
Full context of the entire browser window
Contain the customer environment URL with study name and user clearly visible
Contain the ClinSpark component selected as seen from the application menu
Annotations that callout specific elements of the screenshot to further explain context
Bad screenshots
Do not show the full context of the browser
Do not show the current environment URL, study, or user
Do not clearly focus on the issue described in the ticket
Certain modern web browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, have quick and effective screenshot features built right into them.
Windows and MacOS also have built in screenshot functionality that are sufficient for most users.
There are many additional free or paid screenshot tools available as well with more advanced functionality. Check with your organization IT department to see if any tools are available.
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