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ClinSpark Application Service Level Agreements
Application Service Level Agreement
The ClinSpark Application SLA is dependent on the creation and agreement of a Service Level Agreement with our customers. The SLA may be part of or independent from a contract, or statement of work.
This article covers common aspects of our application SLA, related to uptime and availability. This applies to unplanned availability events of the Production Main instance of ClinSpark, described below.
Lower environments - such as sandbox, validation, and test instances - are not subject to this SLA.
For information covering service support agreements, see also: Customer Support Service Level Agreements
Customer’s Production Main instances of ClinSpark have a 99.95% Uptime SLA measured on a quarterly basis.
RPO - Recovery Point Objective
A customer’s Production Main instance of ClinSpark has an RPO of 5 minutes. This means that should a worst-case disaster occur in which all running instances of ClinSpark and its database were somehow destroyed, the instances will be restored with a loss of no more than 5 minutes of customer data.
RTO - Recovery Time Objective
A customer’s Production Main instance of ClinSpark has an RTO of 60 minutes. This means that ClinSpark will be restored to operation within 60 minutes of an availability event.
Customer Monitoring and Site Status
Customers are provided with a site status page for their Production Main & Test instances. Other environments customers have access to may be added to this page upon request.
The status page shows the current status as well as the history. Here is an example:
The status site checks ClinSpark availability once per minute. Further details about the tooling detects downtime can be reviewed on the vendor website here.
The status site will record planned and maintenance outages, as well as unplanned availability events. History of events can also be seen. The site provides a default view of the last 90 days of uptime. Additionally, calendar functions allow customers to view up to 1 year of availability prior to the current calendar month.
Upon request via service desk ticket, an export can also be provided showing all events as recorded by the status site for up to 1 year.
IQVIA makes no guarantees about the availability of this status page itself, though we believe it to be highly available. We offer this status tool to all of our customers, however, we do not guarantee that the reporting from this tool is fully accurate or has the same SLA as ClinSpark itself.
Status Page URL
If a customer instance site is https://customer.clinspark.com, then the status page will be:
Customers receive a status page once they are ‘live’ and using production systems.
Note about Customer Site Connectivity
It is possible that a customer on site may not be able to access ClinSpark from their computing device, but ClinSpark is not experiencing an Availability Event. This could be because of an internet connectivity outage at a site (for example). This is where the status page is useful in particular. This status page is monitored from a variety of geographic regions and internet providers. In general, it is a reliable indicator of ClinSpark’s true availability.
Availability Event
A ClinSpark outage. This is a period of time in which a user can not access ClinSpark because ClinSpark itself is unavailable.
Maintenance Window
An off-hour time period on a weekly basis in which security patches can be installed on ClinSpark instances. Very these may cause momentary availability events. Typically these are at 2:30 AM in the customer’s geographic region.
Planned Downtime
Scheduled downtime performed in coordination with the customer. This is documented along with consent via service desk tickets.
Unplanned Downtime
Unscheduled and unplanned Availability Event.
Recovery Point Objective. When restoring after a full Availability Event, how many minutes prior to the event will the data be restored to. Put another way, what is the maximum number of minutes of data loss before the event occurred.
Recovery Time Objective. How many minutes can it take to restore ClinSpark after an Availability Event.
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