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Upload Informed Consent Template
Role: Clinical Research Coordinator
Management of ICF templates for a study occurs within the Study > Configure > Informed Consent module. Subject-agnostic ICFs templates which are added here can be used to facilitate subject informed consent data collection within the Study > Subjects module. If paper ICFs are being signed, the unique barcode number associated with each ICF loaded here becomes integral to the informed consent data collection workflow.
Only active/approved ICFs may be documented as signed; and downstream activities (including data collection) may be optionally blocked until successful documentation of a signed active/approved ICF has occurred.
Add an ICF
Click the Add button to configure a new ICF template for the study:
When adding a new ICF template, the following actions can be taken:
Version: Version of the ICF. Must be uniquely named per study.
Type: Either ‘Primary’ or ‘Genomic’, depending on the type of ICF.
Inclusion Cohorts: Optionally specify to which cohorts the ICF applies. Only subjects who have been activated within the specified inclusion cohorts are eligible to sign the ICF.
Exclusion Cohorts: Optionally specify to which cohorts the ICF does not apply. Subjects who have been activated within the specified exclusion cohorts are not eligible to sign the ICF.
Description: Optionally provide further details about the ICF and its use.
After an ICF template has been added, then the following actions can be taken:
When editing an existing ICF template, the following actions can be taken:
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