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Move IMP to a New Container
You can move part or all of the IMP to a new Container, by using the IMP Container “Action” menu option “Add Container”. This will allow you to split the contents of any given IMP Container, for example, if you wish to just work with part of the IMP to dispense it, put it in quarantine or put some of it away for retention.
Click the “Add Container” option, the “Add Investigational Product Container” screen will open.
You will be able to edit various information for it, such as, the Quantity of the IMP it will contain, the IMP Status and Location. You will also be able to associate the Container with a specific Study Cohort and add Notes, if needed.
Simply click “Save” to apply your changes and exit the screen.
The newly added Container will appear in the “Containers” list for the IMP. It will have its own unique Barcode, information and “Action” menu displayed.
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