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Pharmacy Labels
New merge tags were introduced with the Pharmacy module, under the Type “Investigational Product Container”. You can now use the following merge tags in your label design:
IMP Details that you have provided, when adding it to the system:
IPCReceiptDate - the date when the IMP was added to the study-specific Pharmacy home page
InvestigationalProductContainerProductName - the Name that you have defined for the IMP
IPCProductName - product name associated with investigational product
IPCLotBatch - the lot/batch code of the IMP
IPCContents - notes describing the received IMP
IPCDefaultDoseQuantity - number of capsules that need to be administered during dosing
IPCDispensationNotes - how the IMP should be dispensed to the subjects
IPCStorageNotes - instructions describing how to store the IMPs
IPCExpirationDate - date when the IMPs are going to expire
IPCExpirationNotes - instructions describing what do with IMPs when they expire
IMP Container Details:
IPCDate - date of creation of the Investigational Product Container
InvestigationalProductContainerBarcode - unique Barcode attributed to the Container by the system
IPCCohortName - name of the cohort associated with the container
IPCEpochName - name of the epoch associated with the container
IPCNotes - notes associated with a container
IPCQuantity - number of IMPs in the given container
IPCQuantityTransferred - the quantity transferred from a certain container for administration
IPCReceiptLocation - the name of the location where Investgational Product Container is kept
IPCStatus - current Investgational Product Container status
IPCTime24h - time in 24h format when the container entry was added in the system
IPCTimeAmPm - time in the 12-hour clock format when the container entry was added in the system
IMP Confirmation Details:
IPCQuantityConfDate - the date of when the “Confirm” Action was performed on a newly added Investigational Product
IPCQuantityConfFirstName - first name of user who confirmed the IMPs
IPCQuantityConfLastName - last name of user who confirmed the IMPs
IPCQuantityConfName - full name of user who confirmed the IMPs
IPCQuantityConfTime24h - time in 24h clock format when the IMPs were confirmed in the system
IPCQuantityConfTimeAmPm - time in 12h clock format when the IMPs were confirmed in the system
IPCQuantityConfTitle - the title of user who confirmed the IMPs
IPCQuantityConfUsername - user name of user who confirmed the IMPs
Details of the associated Site:
IPCAddress - address for site where the container is stored
IPCPhoneNumber - phone number for the site where the container is stored
IPCFaxNumber - fax number for site where the container is stored
IPCInvestigatorName - the name of the study investigator
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