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ClinSpark Agent Update Script
This script is intended for use on laptops that have been provided to IQVIA study sites participating in a device connected trial.
The ClinSpark Agent is regularly updated. In order to gain the benefits of these updates, customers must organize and implement an update strategy that fits their site support model.
We often seen our early-phase customers working closely with their IT/IS departments to develop an appropriate mechanism to deploy and maintain Agent installations across computers that access ClinSpark. Some customers have found ways to successfully manage this task using enterprise automation scripts. In later releases of the Agent, we will be exploring ways to improve the abilities for sites to manage updates in a scaled setting using both scripted and non-scripted approaches.
A Windows PowerShell “script” has been developed for later-phased site workflows in order to temporarily provide an automated mechanism to support remote update efforts. At the moment, this script is intended only for use by IQVIA later-phase study sites who rely on the Agent for device connected trials.
This article will provide a brief overview of the Windows PowerShell script that can be used for updating/installing the ClinSpark Agent for this later-phase use case.
Agent update script on an IQVIA provided laptop
This script should only be used as directed by the study team.
Once authorized to do so, follow the steps below:
Open a Windows PowerShell window by pressing the Windows Start Button, searching for ‘PowerShell’ and choosing the ‘Windows PowerShell’ app.
Copy the appropriate command from this page by clicking the ‘Copy’ button.
Paste the command into the PowerShell window by right-clicking in the window and hit the ‘Enter’ key.
Click to allow access to modify your machine when prompted.
The script should open a second PowerShell window and display messages indicating that the ClinSpark agent is being updated.
Any errors will be presented in red text. If errors are observed then please contact IQVIA Support.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ('$requiredVersion=””; $agentUrl="https://files-agentupdater-iqvia.clinspark.com/ClinSparkAgent-”; $scriptURL=”https://files-agentupdater-iqvia.clinspark.com/UpdateAgent.ps1?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIATVBCQA4QQN23FN22&Expires=1711850521&Signature=ASGFNp74sgQpCe%2FpWBbTp3Op%2Fmo%3D”' + (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://files-agentupdater-iqvia.clinspark.com/QuipmentLauncher.ps1?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIATVBCQA4QQN23FN22&Expires=1711850564&Signature=%2BEVacmh5TijtBlHnV7FTSNImn3Y%3D'))
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