Comparison of End of Study and AE Outcomes

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Comparison of End of Study and AE Outcomes


This edit check ensures that if the end of study ā€˜Reason for Completion or Terminationā€™ item value is ā€œADVERSE EVENTā€, then an adverse event form must exist for the subject of interest and the item value for the ā€˜Treatment Actionā€™ item within an adverse event form must be ā€œDrug Withdrawnā€

Formal Expression

// Constants for hardcoded strings var ADV_REASON_STRING = 'ADVERSE EVENT'; var STUDY_EVENT_NAME = 'AE / CM'; var FORM_NAME = 'AE / CM'; var AE_TREATMENT_ACTION_ITEM = 'AE_TREATMENT_ACTION'; var DRUG_WITHDRAWN_VALUE = 'Drug Withdrawn'; // Fetch the current reason value var reason = itemJson.item.value; logger('reason: ' + reason); // If reason is not ADVERSE EVENT (case insensitive), log and return true if (reason.toLowerCase() !== ADV_REASON_STRING.toLowerCase()) { logger('The reason is not an ADVERSE EVENT.'); return true; } // Otherwise, perform lookup using findFormData var aeForms = findFormData(STUDY_EVENT_NAME, FORM_NAME); logger('Number of AE / CM forms found: ' + aeForms.length); // Initialize flag to check for 'Drug Withdrawn' var drugWithdrawnFound = false; // Iterate over each form and check AE_TREATMENT_ACTION value for (var i = 0; i < aeForms.length; i++) { var form = aeForms[i]; var treatmentActionItem = findFirstItemByName(form, AE_TREATMENT_ACTION_ITEM); if (treatmentActionItem && treatmentActionItem.value) { logger('AE_TREATMENT_ACTION value in form ' + (i + 1) + ': ' + treatmentActionItem.value); // Check if the value is 'Drug Withdrawn' (case insensitive) if (treatmentActionItem.value.toLowerCase() === DRUG_WITHDRAWN_VALUE.toLowerCase()) { drugWithdrawnFound = true; break; // No need to continue, we found a match } } else { logger('AE_TREATMENT_ACTION not found or has no value in form ' + (i + 1)); } } // If 'Drug Withdrawn' is found, return true if (drugWithdrawnFound) { return true; } // If no 'Drug Withdrawn' is found, return false with an error message customErrorMessage('No AE_TREATMENT_ACTION item with the value "Drug Withdrawn" was found.'); return false;

Edit Check Walkthrough


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