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Email Address Validation


A valid email address is required on volunteer profiles in order to successfully correspond via Email features.

Email address can be defined in Volunteers > Manage

On a given volunteer record, defined email address must be unique across all other volunteers.

A valid email address must also be formatted properly. This defined through use a prefix and domain, separated by the @ symbol.


Given the above:

  • jane.smith is the prefix

  • clinspark.com is the domain

The same validation logic applies to email addresses added to ClinSpark user accounts.


ClinSpark does not validate email address deliverability, meaning, it will not check to determine if a message can be delivered successfully to the recipient. This can be based on a number of factors, including some which could be address attributes like the defined prefix and domain.

Within certain Recruitment workflows, the SendGrid integration will provide some information to recruitment teams in ClinSpark regarding the deliverability of messages that are sent to volunteers with correspondence templates. Individual correspondence messages can be opened and review this information, if made available from SendGrid.




SendGrid otherwise offers guidance to customers about how to optimize delivery. This includes features that can troubleshoot investigations when messages are blocked, bounced, or otherwise filtered out of a recipient inbox.

Note that these features are exclusive to SendGrid and are not directly accessible within ClinSpark.

Invalid Emails | SendGrid Docs | Twilio

Blocks | SendGrid Docs | Twilio

Bounces | SendGrid Docs | Twilio

Deliverability Overview | SendGrid Docs | Twilio

Further Reading

User accounts and e-mail modifiers

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