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Working Offline
With a few exceptions listed below, ClinSpark requires a persistent connection to the internet to reach the AWS hosted application. ClinSpark can be accessed by cellular data based methods should a site’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) fail. We provide for a paper-based business continuity option with the ability to manually enter data once connectivity is restored.
Typical ClinSpark customers operate in hospitals or hospital-like settings where it is essential to have redundant power and related services. For business continuity, we expect customers to have multiple ways of connecting to the internet, for example:
Multiple ISPs
At least some tablet computers with high speed data connections directly to the internet (4G, 5G data cards)
Using cellular phones directly for some simple data collection processes
Using cellular phones as hotspots for tablets or laptops
Failing over to paper
ClinSpark has the capability of producing ‘Business Continuity Forms’, per study, that can be used to collect structured data in the event of an outage. The collected data can be entered retrospectively from the source into ClinSpark.
Integrated Devices or Systems
RScribe Lite 12-Lead ECG
We support offline data collection with this device - Mortara RScribe Lite | Offline Mode.
Safety Labs
Safety labs that are outside the site’s facility may not be affected the site’s network outages. The design of these integrations is such that results determined by the safety lab will continue to be sent to ClinSpark and will be available as soon as local connectivity is restored. Should ClinSpark be down, results will be queued outside of ClinSpark (typically on an SFTP server), and will be received and included once ClinSpark is up again.
Some devices such as wearables may collect and store data on device, periodically transferring it to the vendor’s platform. Such data would then be available for ClinSpark to consume per scheduled polling intervals, once ClinSpark is online.
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