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Confirming a Newly Added IMP
When a new IMP is added to the Pharmacy Management Home page, it needs to be confirmed. The “Confirm” action can be performed by the same user, who has added the IMP, or by another user.
Here is what you need to do, to confirm an IMP:
Login to ClinSpark and navigate to the Pharmacy Management Home page for the desired Study.
Find the IMP that you wish to confirm (for each Study one or more IMPs may be added) and make sure all of the IMP details are accurate.
Then click the IMP “Action” menu on the right-hand side. From the “Action” menu, select the “Confirm” action. The “Electronic signature” screen will open.
Enter your credentials and click “OK” to confirm the IMP.
The “Electronic signature” screen will close and the Pharmacy Management page will appear. Your name and the date of the confirmation will appear in the general IMP details section.
Once the IMP is confirmed, the “Quantity” field can no longer be modified. The other fields can still be edited. Once the IMP is confirmed, it can no longer be deleted.
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