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Volunteer Site Preference
Some customers utilize ClinSpark where a single volunteer database is used to recruit volunteers into studies across one or more physical site locations. When more than one site is added into CinSpark, additional features become available in order to support certain multi-site workflows.
When a volunteer record is created in a multi-site environment, there is an requirement that each volunteer become associated with an active site:
This site selection as it appears in the Volunteer profile is best described as a site preference.
The site selection influences which ClinSpark users can access and interact with volunteer data. Additionally, the selection implies which site a volunteer is most likely to be associated with and to be recruited into trials. In most cases, this may be the site physically closest to that volunteer. However as volunteers may have the ability to travel and show interest to participate in trials across different geographical locations, the site preference would not actively prevent a volunteer from being recruited into and participating in studies across different sites.
Here is a basic overview of how the volunteer site feature was originally designed for use:
ClinSpark users will only have access volunteer profiles based on their user account’s configured access to a given site, and, the volunteer site preference.
Users will only be able to define a site preference to a volunteer if their ClinSpark user account has access to that site.
Volunteer site preference will ensure that the ‘Region’, ‘Height’, and ‘Weight’ labels appropriately match the site specific configuration.
Volunteer site preference will ensure that site specific custom volunteer questions are made visible.
Volunteer site preference will be made visible on search results within Volunteers > Manage component, next to the volunteer’s unique ID.
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