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Phone Number Validation
ClinSpark leverages a powerful API from Google and Twilio to ensure that phone numbers entered into volunteer profiles are ‘valid’ and pass certain validation rules. This is due to the strong implications that phone numbers have on profile data and ensuring proper SMS communications can successfully occur.
ClinSpark ensures that:
no two volunteers can have the same mobile phone number
each phone number is properly configured per system settings defined (see screenshot below)
the phone number is ‘valid’ for communication purposes
For each phone number typed into the interface, as the user moves out of the relevant input field, the system will validate.
Certain numbers are rejected with a level of confidence knowing it to be incorrect, or not ‘valid’. For example, if a user types in ‘1231231234’, that number contains an invalid area code and will be rejected.
Default Phone Region
The ‘Default Phone Region’ field is used with phone validation if user does not include country code.
If overwhelmingly site volunteers will come from the same country, set ‘Default Phone Region’ to that
If ‘Default Phone Region’ is set and user doesn’t enter phone number with a country code, ClinSpark will try to match that with the setting listed above
If a user enters a country code, ClinSpark will always validate against that country code regardless of what the ‘Default Phone Region’ is
In short, this setting is just a way to be helpful. The full phone number is always stored in the database, but that is not viewable to users.
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