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General Settings > Volunteer Settings
Volunteer Settings (General)
Here you can determine some defaults for the following:
Default Middle Name value - Volunteer Profile “Middle Name” field is a mandatory field, you can define a sensible default for the Volunteers who do not have a Middle Name.
MedDRA Dictionary - when you have a MedDRA Dictionary associated here, you can use the various “drilldown” fields in the Volunteer Medical Conditions section, like “Body Systems” and “Medical Code”. The dictionaries that are available for selection here, are the ones that had already been uploaded in Administration > Medical Dictionaries.
IBAN Payments? and ABA Payments? - allows to enter the Payment Details into the Volunteer Profile by selecting the Type (IBAN or ABA) and entering the information required for that type.
Payment Details Required? - this makes the Payment details fields in the Volunteer Profile mandatory fields.
Volunteer Monitoring URL - this is a configuration setting established by superadmin. This the defined endpoint for volunteer monitoring connectivity. It is associated with the enablement and use of certain device integrations. This includes device profiles that would include parameters utilizing ‘monitoring source’ types, to be carried forward and used on device integrated study forms. Establishing the Volunteer Monitoring URL also enables the “Monitoring” tab in the Volunteer Profile. See also: SparkPlug
Volunteer Data Collection Connectivity
The setup here is for the Volunteer Integrated Forms that can be used in Study Design.
Concomitant Medications (Screening)
Medical History
Substance Use
Typically we recommend that many of these settings do not be changed after initial onboarding. If you wish to explore possible to changes to these fields, please contact the support team via service desk.
The configuration and use of these settings have implications towards volunteer data collection and study form use. An in-depth article on this topic is here: Volunteer Interface Parameters
Recruitment Status Options
In the Recruitment Status Options section, you may define the possible Recruitment outcomes for Volunteers in the Volunteers > Recruit module. You can define any number of names for each of the underlying Types of Statuses:
This means, you may further break down the group of Volunteers Identified for a Study into subgroups, for example - Contacted, Interested, Not Interested, etc.
This can then help you control which Volunteers may be assigned to the Screening Cohort Assignments, when you are defining the Screening Cohort Settings:
Adding a new Recruitment Status Option
To add a new Recruitment Status Option, simply click on the “Add” button and fill out the following fields:
Description is the actual name of the Recruitment Status that will appear for selection to users on the Volunteers > Recruit page.
Select in which Type (Group) of Statuses this new Recruitment Status belongs.
Optionally, you may provide some Help Text about each Recruitment Status Option that may help guide the users who will be assigning those Statuses to Volunteers.
Editing Recruitment Statuses
You can always edit a Recruitment Status by clicking the Action menu and selecting Edit.
Deleting a Recruitment Status Option
If you added a Recruitment Status in error, you can delete it. This is possible, if the Status has not yet been used in the Volunteers > Recruit module.
Archiving a Recruitment Status Option
When a Status has historically been used in the Volunteers > Recruit module, but is no longer relevant to your process, you can archive it. Simply use the Action menu, select edit and check the “Archived” tickbox, provide a “Reason for change” and click “Save”.
Volunteer Races
This section is currently managed by superadmin users. During customer onboarding, these values are configured and established. Should you need to adjust the settings in this section, please reach out to the support team.
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