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Messaging Integrations

Messaging Integrations

SMS and Voice

ClinSpark supports bi-directional integration with volunteers over SMS, and outbound voice calling. Both of these capabilities use Twilio API integration. Configuration and use of Twilio can be referenced here: https://foundryhealth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/3700457514

Twilio Account Ownership

Customers wishing to use Twilio must create and manage their own Twilio account. IQVIA support may be given access to this account so that it can configure and support the integration. However the customer is responsible for managing and paying for their own account.


ClinSpark supports two types of email integrations. Each has a different purpose and implementation.

System Notifications

There are specific scenarios where the ClinSpark application sends emails to users. These include lab repeat notifications, alerting administrators when a user has exceeded their configurable number of password attempts, and a password reset workflows. Each of these use cases are outbound-only email integrations.

The emails will be sent from no-reply@clinspark.com.

AWS Simple Email Service is used for System Notification emails.

Recruitment Emails

ClinSpark supports a bi-directional email interface for the Recruitment features. This is an optional integration, and it is implemented using SendGrid. ClinSpark sends outbound emails using the SendGrid API, and receives responses and tracking updates via a webhook. More information about this integration can be reviewed here: https://foundryhealth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/4609507329

The email domain is fully configurable via this interface, and customers are encouraged to use a customer-specific MX DNS domain.

Sendgrid Account Ownership

Just like with Twilio, the Sendgrid account is created and managed by the customer. IQVIA support may be given admin access to this account so that it can configure and support the integration. However the customer is responsible for managing and paying for their own account.

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