Transfer Data Report Query

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Transfer Data Report Query

This page lists all queries used for generating Transfer data report.


Step 1:

Get list of subject

SELECT subject.id, subject.randomization_number, subject.screening_number, subject.lead_in_number, study_site.id AS studySiteId, study_site.location_oid, study_site.central_laboratory_id, site.time_zone_id, study.name AS studyName, study.protocol_name, volunteer.gender_male, volunteer.date_of_birth FROM subject INNER JOIN study_site ON study_site.id = subject.study_site_id INNER JOIN volunteer ON subject.volunteer_id = volunteer.id INNER JOIN study ON study.id = study_site.study_id INNER JOIN site ON site.id = study_site.site_id WHERE subject.study_id = <study Id> AND subject_study_status IN ('Active', 'Complete', 'Withdrawn', 'Terminated') AND (subject.randomization_number IS NOT NULL AND subject.randomization_number <> '')

Step 2:

Get meta data for the report

-- Get study event names (Visit names) SELECT study_event.name FROM study_event INNER JOIN study ON study.study_meta_data_id = study_event.study_meta_data_id WHERE study.id = <study id> -- Get Epoch and cohort names SELECT epoch.name AS epochName, cohort.name AS cohortName FROM cohort INNER JOIN epoch ON epoch.id = cohort.epoch_id WHERE epoch.study_id = <study id> -- Get study information SELECT study.name, study.protocol_name, org.time_zone_id AS orgTz, study_site.location_oid, site.time_zone_id AS siteTz FROM study INNER JOIN org ON org.id = study.org_id LEFT JOIN study_site ON study_site.study_id = study.id INNER JOIN site ON site.id = study_site.site_id WHERE study.id <study id> -- Get measurements SELECT measurement_unit.symbol FROM measurement_unit INNER JOIN study ON study.study_meta_data_id = measurement_unit.study_meta_data_id WHERE study.id = <study id>

Step 3:

Get list of Item Groups and Items

-- Get list of item group ref ids SELECT igr.id FROM item_group_ref igr INNER JOIN form f ON igr.form_id = f.id INNER JOIN study s ON f.study_meta_data_id = s.study_meta_data_id WHERE s.id=<study id> -- Get list of items SELECT item.id AS itemId, item.study_lab_panel_id AS studyLabPanelId, item.data_type, item.length, item.name, CASE WHEN (cdash_alias.name is not null) then cdash_alias.name ELSE item.sas_field_name END AS cdashOrSasFieldName, item.sds_var_name, item_ref.order_number, item_ref.id AS itemRefId, item.item_data_origin, item.significant_digits, item.base_study_item_type, item.label_field_one, item.label_field_two, item.loinc_code AS loinc_code, item.loinc_code" : "null"} AS loinc_code, item.description, item_group_ref.id AS itemGroupRefId, item_group.name AS igName, item_group.description AS itemGroupDescription, item_group.comment, item_group.domain, item_group.repeating, item_group.sas_dataset_name, form.name AS formName, edc_device_parameter.name AS edcDeviceParamName, code_list.id AS codeListId, code_list.sas_format_name AS codeListSasFormatName, term_configuration.med_dra_dictionary_id, term_configuration.who_drug_dictionary_id FROM item_ref LEFT JOIN edc_device_parameter ON edc_device_parameter.id = item_ref.edc_device_parameter_id INNER JOIN item ON item.id = item_ref.item_id LEFT JOIN code_list ON code_list.id = item.code_list_id INNER JOIN item_group ON item_group.id = item_ref.item_group_id INNER JOIN item_group_ref ON item_group.id = item_group_ref.item_group_id INNER JOIN form ON form.id = item_group_ref.form_id LEFT OUTER JOIN term_configuration ON item_ref.id = term_configuration.item_ref_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ia.item_aliases_id, a.name from item_alias ia INNER JOIN alias a ON ia.alias_id = a.id WHERE a.context='CDASH' ) AS cdash_alias ON item.id = cdash_alias.item_aliases_id WHERE item_group_ref.id IN (<List of item group ref from 1st query>


Step 4:

Get Item data for each domains

Step 5:

Query to get Laboratory data;


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