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Testing new Roles
During the onboarding phase, customers have multiple places to develop and test new Roles and new configurations of Roles - Sandbox, VAL etc.
Once a customer is live, those environments are withdrawn and a customer only has one pathway to achieve new Role testing - via the PROD/TEST pair.
This workflow will work equally as well for testing changes to existing Roles
Create your new Role in PROD - do not assign it to any users
Perform a study Export / Import between PROD and TEST
Assign the new Role to a user in TEST and evaluate the required abilities and restrictions for the Role with suitable test data
Where required, adjust the Role in PROD and re-export to TEST for additional evaluation
Iterate until testing is complete
In PROD, delete any Roles that did not meet the expected test criteria
Following approval of the new Role, assign the Role to the applicable users
ClinSpark does not have a ‘copy Role’ at this time.
Exported and Printed Copies Are Uncontrolled