Requests to share system setting 'script' configuration files

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Requests to share system setting 'script' configuration files

ClinSpark is capable of supporting a flexible feature set of Reports, Dashboards, and Volunteer Search Functions defined through system settings. This occurs through definition of certain scripts that are associated with each setting.

An example of script settings controlled by superadmins

These are controlled configurations which are designed to be managed by superadmin users. The contents of these scripts often will define the user experience and underlying behavior (logic) of the settings.

For some configurations, they can represent what is considered to be ‘source code’ of the setting, which is a part of the core application. The contents may disclose information that reveals details about how ClinSpark works, certain technologies in use, or proprietary system information intended only for developers.

The contents of the ‘script’ settings are encrypted within the database and are also not accessible via the read-replica. They are only exposed in the user interface to superadmin users. For this reason, the intended use of these configuration scripts are superadmin users and support teams.

Customers at times may request that IQVIA share the contents of these scripts for their own efforts to review the implemented features or find other uses for the contents outside of the application. Unfortunately, we are unable to share the contents of these scripts with customers due to their proprietary nature and establishment as ‘source code’ of the settings.

If customers request to know more about the contents of the scripts, they are encouraged to reach out to IQVIA support with questions. Our intention would be to create specific documentation covering the implementation and use of each system setting of interest to customers, in order to explain the underlying logic of certain settings.

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