ClinSpark Testing and Verification

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ClinSpark Testing and Verification


ClinSpark is taken through a formal SDLC (Software/System Development Lifecycle) process that generates Testing and Verification artefacts, available to registered users of our service desk portal.

We create a Technical File for each release, the content of which will vary on the scope (a hotfix will have less documentation compared to a full scheduled release).

Note that there is a difference between ‘Verification’ and ‘Validation’. Validation of ClinSpark is the responsibility of the customer because Validation involves ensuring that an application meets the specific requirements of a customer within their environment and business processes.

Access to Technical Files

Registered service desk users can access the portal here - link.

Service Desk Portal

Scroll and look for the section on ‘Technical Files’…

Technical Files

Click the indicated link.

You can also use this direct link - here.

Technical Files

Click on the link for the ClinSpark software version you are interested in…

Release Certificates

…and navigate to the section of the file you need.


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