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Lead-In Cohort Management
Create Cohort Assignments
Role: Volunteer Recruiter
Lead-in cohort assignments mark the progression of a subject past screening and into a lead-in visit (typically ‘Day -1’). At this stage, subjects receive a unique lead-in number (the second number of a possible three-part subject number). These cohort assignments are typically created by way of importing already-existing assignments from screening cohorts.
Activate Plans
Role: Volunteer Recruiter
Lead-in activity plans should be activated shortly before the date of lead-in. Even after activation of activity plans, volunteers can still be swapped into or out of cohort assignments if necessary.
Activate Volunteers
Role: Volunteer Recruiter
A volunteer should only be activated once that individual is present in the clinic. This is in an effort to minimize empty data fields. Because activation of a volunteer creates a data collection schedule according to the contents of the cohort assignment’s corresponding activity plan, it is best to only activate a volunteer once it is likely that data collection will occur.
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