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Label Printers
ClinSpark renders ZPL during the integrated print process. In addition, the ClinSpark Agent uses the Link-OS SDK to communicate with printers. Therefore, we specifically recommend Zebra printers using the Link-OS printer operating system. Other manufacturers will support ZPL, but you use these at your own risk.
A list of Zebra Link-OS compatible printers can be found on their website.
We suggest the use of the ZD series desktop printers for both labels and wristbands.
Compact design, fast printing, high quality label output. Can be easily deployed in a variety of clinic settings
Capable of printing all label types, including sample tubes and subject wristbands
Available in a ‘healthcare’ model configuration with disinfectant ready plastics and an IEC 60601-1 compliant power supply
Note that Zebra model printers may not be drop in replacements for each other, as settings such as print darkness and print speed may vary between models.
The Zebra ZD510-HC is a dedicated wristband printer.
If customers are interested in using separate printers for subject wristbands, we encourage first reaching out to Foundry Health to discuss intended use and possible implications to label designs.
Some customers have successfully used the Zebra HC100 for subject wristbands. However this printer was discontinued 31-Oct-2018 and went out of service and support 30-Oct-2021, therefore we do not recommend its use.
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