Volunteer Height and Weight

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Volunteer Height and Weight


ClinSpark allows qualified users the ability to view and manage a basic set of health data for a given volunteer, which includes height and weight. These values are commonly collected against a given volunteer and may also be updated during study conduct. It’s also possible to establish these values through the use of certain recruitment APIs.

This article will explain how height and weight values are captured, unit of measure, and how ClinSpark displays them in the user interface.

Note: this content is based upon the implemented functionality in ClinSpark version 1.5.5 or greater.

User Entry & Decimal Precision

When viewing a given volunteer record, user interface exposes data entry controls and enforces decimal precision for ‘height’ and ‘weight’ fields based on the underlying unit of measure. This means is that if (for example) a height or weight field does not support decimal values, then users will only be able to enter integer values.

The only unit of measure currently that allows decimals is meters (height), accepting a precision of two. Users may be able to enter in a value that exceeds this decimal precision, but validation messages (on save) will enforce what is allowed to be saved.

Stored Values

ClinSpark stores all height as meters and weight as kilograms in the database. Both of these are enforced with a precision of two decimal places.

When height / weight are displayed in the user interface as a different unit, a conversion is performed with the following factors:


  • Pound: 0.453592


  • Centimeters: 0.01

  • Inches: 0.0254

If rounding is necessary, the Half Up Rounding strategy is used.


When viewing the calculated BMI on the volunteer record, the calculation is done with the values that are stored in the database. Both height and weight must be saved to a volunteer in order for BMI to calculate and be displayed.

Volunteer Site Preference

For every volunteer record, a ‘site preference’ is established. This site value infers what physical location the volunteer is typically recruited through and likely to participate in trials.

Site is important in relation to height & weight values, because the unit of measure is directly correlated with the ClinSpark site setting.

Users will therefore see the applicable site unit of measure for height and weight values, when viewing a given volunteer.

For customers who operate within a single site early phase model, where volunteer recruitment and study conduct in ClinSpark occurs at a single physical location, there will very likely be only a single site configuration per instance and always present on volunteers. Users will always be able to see the site value, but not modify it.

For customers who operate within a multi-site early phase model, where volunteer recruitment and study conduct in ClinSpark occurs across multiple physical locations, the site preference will always display what is established by recruitment users on the a volunteer record.


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