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An improved ClinSpark documentation experience
The Foundry Health team is excited to share a new ClinSpark documentation site experience, available immediately for all customers.
Documentation is a critical part of our product and service offering. As such, we evaluated the way documentation was created and published for ClinSpark users and found that we still had room to improve.
Some key goals with improving our documentation experience are:
Improve the ease of use for a growing number of content contributors from the Foundry Health team
Improve the ability for our team to better organize content and take advantage of permalinking
Allow our content to be available to a wider audience
Retain access convenience for existing ClinSpark users
Improve search capabilities and provide users with an easier time locating content
As such, we’ve switched our content platform and are using this new site going forward.
Content will no longer being updated in the ‘legacy’ help site, which is referenced with equip.clinspark.com URLs. For example, these may be links used in Basecamp projects or service desk tickets.
By the end of January 2023, we will be sunsetting the legacy help site. Users that attempt to access those previous equip.clinspark.com URLs will be redirected to the new site after the transition period.
Additionally, all ClinSpark instances will be updated to link users to the new documentation site. This change will be seamless for existing ClinSpark users, and coordinated by Foundry Health, as the Help URL is a system configuration controlled by ‘superadmin’ users.
Documentation will still be accessible directly from within the ClinSpark application ‘Help’ menu, and users will be brought to this new site when accessing that function.
If customers have any questions about this transition, please reach out to our team via the service desk.
We sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from this new documentation experience!
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