"Type","Merge Tag","Description" "Device","DeviceBarcode","system generated barcode for device" "Device","DeviceCalibrationDate","Next calibration date for device" "Device","DeviceCategory","device category" "Device","DeviceManufacturer","device manufacturer" "Device","DeviceName","device name" "Device","DeviceSerialNum","device serial number" "Item","ItemBarcode","system generated barcode for item (can be transfer code for aliquot)" "Item","ItemCaOrSubjectNum","cohort assignment number, but if not present the first of subject randomization, screening, or lead-in number" "Item","ItemClinLabDest","returns the name of the lab interface if one is configured, or an empty string otherwise" "Item","ItemCohort","The name of the cohort if applicable." "Item","ItemContainer","Name of the specimen container if applicable" "Item","ItemDestination","Lab Interface name if there is a lab panel attached. SampleTransfer Barcode Notes if there is a Sample Transfer." "Item","ItemDetails","item name, if relevant include sample transfer material or specimen container description" "Item","ItemEpoch","The name of the epoch if applicable." "Item","ItemFormName","The name of the Form that this Item belongs to" "Item","ItemLabelFieldOne","the generic field in item called Label Field One. This can be used for any purpose" "Item","ItemLabelFieldTwo","the generic field in item called Label Field Two. This can be used for any purpose" "Item","ItemLoincCode","the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) code" "Item","ItemMaterial","If there is a SampleTransfer, print the material" "Item","ItemMaterialParent","If there is a SampleTransfer, print the material of the topmost parent aliquot" "Item","ItemName","The item name" "Item","ItemPanelSpecimenCategory","The Specimen Category of the Study Lab Panel" "Item","ItemParentBarcode","The sample parent barcode if it exists" "Item","ItemPathOrPanelName","If a sample path is attached to an item, the sample path name prints; if a lab panel is attached to an item, the panel name prints" "Item","ItemPathOrPanelNameOrName","If a sample path is attached to an item, the sample path name prints; if a lab panel is attached to an item, the panel name prints; otherwise the item name" "Item","ItemSampleTransferMaterial","The material associated with the transfer" "Item","ItemScheduledDate","Scheduled date of an item (only prints for timed activities)" "Item","ItemScheduledTime24h","Returns the scheduled time of the item in 24 hour format, like 15:34" "Item","ItemScheduledTimeAmPm","Returns the scheduled time of the item in 12 hour + AM/PM format, like 05:21 PM" "Item","ItemSitePiName","returns the studysite PI name if one is configured; if not, it returns the PI name set at the site level, and is blank otherwise" "Item","ItemSpecimenContainerDesc","the description of the specimen container" "Item","ItemStudyAnswer","The answer for the specified custom study question." "Item","ItemStudyEpochCohort","study name, and if available epoch and cohort details" "Item","ItemStudyEvt","study event" "Item","ItemStudyEvtTpt","study event, timepoint (if available)" "Item","ItemStudyEvtTptMM","study event, timepoint (if available, omitting seconds)" "Item","ItemStudyName","study name" "Item","ItemStudyProtocol","study protocol" "Item","ItemStudySite","study site ID" "Item","ItemSubIds","Prints out all available subject identifiers, like S0001/0123/L67890" "Item","ItemSubLeadin","subject leadin number" "Item","ItemSubNumPref","If Randomization Number exists: Rand#: 123. Else if Lead In Number exists: L-I#: 123. Else if Screening Number exists: Scr#: 123. Else: L-I/Scr/Rand# NA" "Item","ItemSubRnd","subject randomization number" "Item","ItemSubRndOrScrn","If Randomization Number exists: Rand# 123. Else if Screening Number exists: Scr# 123. Else: Scr/Rand# NA" "Item","ItemSubScrn","subject screening number" "Item","ItemTpt","timepoint (if available)" "Item","ItemTransferBarcodeNotes","sample transfer barcode notes" "Item","ItemVolDob","volunteer date of birth" "Item","ItemVolDobYear","volunteer year of birth" "Item","ItemVolGender","volunteer gender" "Item","ItemVolId","volunteer id" "Item","ItemVolInitials","volunteer initials, date of birth (volunteer id)" "Item","ItemVolNameDOB","Volunteer Name, DOB" "Item","ItemVolSummary","volunteer initials, date of birth (volunteer id)" "LIMS","LimsBarcode","system generated barcode for item (can be transfer code for aliquot)" "LIMS","LimsItemDetails","item name, if relevant include sample transfer material or specimen container description" "LIMS","LimsStudyEpochCohort","study name, and if available epoch and cohort details" "LIMS","LimsStudyEvtTpt","study event, timepoint (if available)" "LIMS","LimsSubjectNum","the first of subject randomization, screening, or lead-in number found for the subject" "LIMS","LimsVolSummary","volunteer initials, date of birth (volunteer id)" "Sample Batch Data","SampleBatchBarcode","system generated barcode for sample batch" "Sample Batch Data","SampleBatchPath","sample path name associated with the sample batch" "Sample Batch Data","SampleBatchProtocolName","protocol name associated with the batch step parent study" "Sample Batch Data","SampleBatchStep","sample task name associated with the batch's sample path step" "Sample Batch Data","SampleBatchStudy","study associated with the sample batch" "Sample Container","SampleContBarcode","system generated barcode for container" "Sample Container","SampleContCohortName","returns the cohort where the sample container is currently being used, if available" "Sample Container","SampleContDesc","container description" "Sample Container","SampleContEpoch","returns the name of the epoch where the sample container is currently being used, if available" "Sample Container","SampleContPeriodEpochCohort","container period, epoch, and cohort separated by commas (if configured)" "Sample Container","SampleContProtocolName","protocol name associated with the container's parent study" "Sample Container","SampleContStudy","study name associated with the container" "Sample Container","SampleContStudyAnswer","returns the answer to the specified custom study question for the study associated with the sample container, if available" "Subject","SubjectAliasVsCuff","Item Alias context for the alias with name matching VS_CUFF" "Subject","SubjectBarcode","system generated barcode for subject" "Subject","SubjectCohort","cohort chosen when generating subject barcode" "Subject","SubjectEpoch","epoch chosen when generating subject barcode" "Subject","SubjectGender","returns volunteer gender as either M or F" "Subject","SubjectNumber","screening / lead-in / treatment numbers for subject (if available)" "Subject","SubjectProtocol","The protocol name for the subject's study" "Subject","SubjectSex","returns volunteer sex as either M or F" "Subject","SubjectStudy","study associated with subject" "Subject","SubjectVolDob","volunteer date of birth" "Subject","SubjectVolDobYear","volunteer year of birth" "Subject","SubjectVolFirstname","volunteer first name" "Subject","SubjectVolId","volunteer id" "Subject","SubjectVolImage","volunteer image" "Subject","SubjectVolInitials","volunteer Initials" "Subject","SubjectVolName","volunteer last name, first name" "Subject","SubjectVolSummary","volunteer initials, date of birth (volunteer id)" "User","UserBarcode","system generated barcode for user" "User","UserFirstname","first name associated with relevant user" "User","UserLastname","last name associated with relevant user" "User","UserName","name associated with relevant user" "User","UserTitle","title associated with relevant user" "User","UserUsername","user name associated with relevant user" "Void Container","VoidBarcode","system generated barcode for void container" "Void Container","VoidEmptyWeight","empty weight of void container" "Void Container","VoidStudyName","Name of the study" "Void Container","VoidSubjectRandomizationNumber","Subject Randomization Number" "Void Container","VoidSubjectScreeningNumber","Subject Screening Number" "Void Container","VoidType","voided specimen"
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