Table of Contents |
The Recruit was API was introduced in ClinSpark 1.5.5, and significantly expands the capabilities of the previously implemented Recruitment API. Capabilities of the API are also accompanied by the use of API enables customers to integrate their recruitment websites with ClinSpark. It also contains the flexibility to support other recruitment-based workflows.
Certain capabilities of the API are maintained through the ‘RecruitmentApiHandler’ system setting in ClinSpark, available to Foundry Health ‘superadmin’ users.
Currently, both APIs exist for use with recruitment website integrations. ClinSpark customers who are already integrated using the Recruitment API should continue to use as currently implemented/documented within it’s section of the help site.
If there are questions about use of the API for recruitment website integration. This system setting is managed by IQVIA superadmin users but can be modified as needed to meet customer-specific needs, depending on the use case.
If there are questions about use of the Recruit API for external integrations with ClinSpark, please reach out to the Foundry Health IQVIA team via the service desk. Swagger integration
showCommonExtensions | true |
supportedSubmitMethods | get, post |
Important information on setting up the integration to your website can be found here Recruitment Website Integration
Excerpt | ||
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FunctionalityYour participant recruitment website developer will be able to use this API for the following:
Interactive Documentation with Swagger
This API is documented (and is testable using Swagger), below.
Swagger integration | ||||
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: # working version: description: >- Allows for adding of volunteers, assignment and cancellation of appointments. version: 1.0.1-oas3 title: ClinSpark Recruit servers: - url: 'https://{customerId}' variables: customerId: default: community-dev description: Customer ID assigned by the service provider - url: 'https://{ngrokPrefix}' variables: ngrokPrefix: default: 8232-73-217-91-70 description: first part of ngrok-assigned id paths: /updateVolunteer: post: tags: - recruit summary: Updates a new volunteer operationId: updateVolunteer parameters: - name: reasonForChange in: query description: Reason for Change required: true schema: type: string requestBody: description: JSON volunteer to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerUpdate' responses: '200': description: 'Success: OK message.' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' '422': description: >- Invalid request: There are input validation errors; look at the JSON response for details. security: - basicAuth: [] /saveVolunteer: post: tags: - recruit summary: Saves a new volunteer operationId: saveVolunteer requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Volunteer' description: JSON volunteer to add required: true responses: '200': description: 'Success: OK message.' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' '422': description: >- Invalid request: There are input validation errors; look at the JSON response for details. security: - basicAuth: [] /findActiveStudySites: get: tags: - recruit summary: Finds study sites that are actively recruiting parameters: - name: studyName in: query description: >- Case insensitive study name used to match study sites with the corresponding name required: false schema: type: string - name: siteId in: query description: >- ID of a given site; only study sites with the corresponding site will be returned required: false schema: type: number format: integer - name: siteName in: query description: >- Case insensitive site name used to match study sites with the corresponding name required: false schema: type: string - name: locationOid in: query description: >- Case sensitive location OID used to match study sites with the corresponding OID required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StudySite' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' security: - basicAuth: [] /findUnassignedAppointments: get: tags: - recruit summary: Finds appointments for the given study site parameters: - name: studySiteId in: query description: ID of a given study site required: true schema: type: number format: integer - name: cohortName in: query description: >- Case insensitive cohort name used for a wild card search; only appointments that have an assigned cohort matching will be returned required: false schema: type: string - name: appointmentType in: query description: >- Case insensitive appointment typed used for a wild card search; only appointments that have an apointment type matching will be returned required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecruitmentAppointment' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' security: - basicAuth: [] /volunteerStudySearch: get: tags: - recruit summary: >- Finds matching studies for the found volunteer using the advanced volunteer search. The advanced searches must be not be archived and must have a study associated while actively recruiting. If the advanced search also specifies a site, that site in question must match the volunteer. The boolean eligible property in the response array indicates whether or not a study match has occurred. parameters: - name: volunteerId in: query description: primary key of the volunteer required: false schema: type: integer format: integer - name: externalId in: query description: ID from source system required: false schema: type: string - name: emailAddress in: query description: Case insensitive email address required: false schema: type: string - name: mobilePhone in: query description: Will be converted to ISO format before a query takes place required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerSearchResult' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' security: - basicAuth: [] /listVolunteerAppointments: get: tags: - recruit summary: >- Finds appointments for the given volunteer found by one of the parameters supplied parameters: - name: volunteerId in: query description: primary key of the volunteer required: false schema: type: integer format: integer - name: externalId in: query description: ID from source system required: false schema: type: string - name: emailAddress in: query description: Case insensitive email address required: false schema: type: string - name: mobilePhone in: query description: Will be converted to ISO format before a query takes place required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecruitmentAppointment' '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' security: - basicAuth: [] /assignAppointment: post: tags: - recruit summary: Allows for assigning a given appointment to a matching volunteer parameters: - name: recruitmentAppointmentId in: query description: ID from source system required: true schema: type: number format: integer - name: volunteerId in: query description: ID from the volunteer required: false schema: type: integer - name: externalId in: query description: ID from source system required: false schema: type: string - name: emailAddress in: query description: Case insensitive email address required: false schema: type: string - name: mobilePhone in: query description: Will be converted to ISO format before a query takes place required: false schema: type: string - name: appointmentNotes in: query required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' '422': description: rendered if appointment could not be found security: - basicAuth: [] /cancelAppointment: post: tags: - recruit summary: Allows for canceling a given appointment parameters: - name: recruitmentAppointmentId in: query description: ID from source system required: true schema: type: number format: integer responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object '401': description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers' '422': description: rendered if appointment could not be found security: - basicAuth: [] components: securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http scheme: basic schemas: VolunteerAnswer: type: object properties: question: type: string example: Favorite web application? description: Verbatim custom volunteer question answer: type: string description: Answer format must match that defined by the custom question Volunteer: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: integer externalId: type: string example: '987123' description: Unique identifier in originating recruitment system title: type: string example: Mr firstName: type: string example: Joseph middleName: type: string description: >- can be an initial, if no value is provided a '-' will be stored with the volunteer reocord example: Peter lastName: type: string example: Padres genderMale: type: boolean ethnicHispanic: type: boolean description: null indicates unknown otherRace: type: string description: additional race details if race type doesn't match example: Asian dateOfBirth: type: string example: '1980-05-27' description: ISO DOB in form of yyyy-MM-dd nameSuffix: type: string description: jr, II example: Jr nationality: type: string example: Belgian preferredLanguage: type: string example: English address: type: string example: 123 Yellobrick Lane city: type: string example: Chicago region: type: string description: >- should match regions configured in the volunteer configuration component; ie state / province example: Chicago country: type: string example: US postalCode: type: string example: 60657 homePhone: type: string description: >- tightly validated based on the general settings configured; should be as close to ISO format as possible with leading country code. is used for underlying validation example: +1312 554 1218 workPhone: type: string description: see homePhone example: +1312 554 1218 mobilePhone: type: string description: same rules apply as homePhone, but must be unique in database example: +1312 554 1218 phoneNotes: type: string description: can be arbitrary notes to guide recruiters about making phone calls example: contactableByPhone: type: boolean description: volunteer's permission to be contacted by phone default: true contactableBySms: type: boolean description: volunteer's permission to be contacted by SMS default: true contactableByEmailCampaign: type: boolean description: volunteer's permission to be contacted by emails default: true nextOfKin: type: string description: >- notes generally about who to contact should there be a reason to do so in an emergency situation volunteerEmploymentStatus: type: string enum: - Unemployed - Student - EmployedPartTime - EmployedFullTime - Retired weightKilos: type: number format: double example: 123.45 heightMeters: type: number format: double example: 2.12 vegetarian: type: boolean description: null indicates unknown surgicallySterile: type: boolean default: false contraceptionType: type: string example: Abstinence description: should match a type configured in the volunteer configure component numberOfChildren: type: integer description: value should only be present for females minimum: 0 maximum: 20 menstruationStartAge: type: integer description: value should only be present for females minimum: 8 maximum: 50 menstruationEndAge: type: integer description: value should only be present for females minimum: 10 maximum: 100 lastPeriodStartDate: type: string example: '2024-05-27' description: In form of yyyy-MM-dd; value should only be present for females regularPeriodIntervalDays: type: integer description: value should only be present for females minimum: 0 maximum: 100 regularPeriodDurationDays: type: integer description: value should only be present for females minimum: 0 maximum: 100 currentlyPregnant: type: boolean description: value should only be present for females default: false currentlyBreastFeeding: type: boolean description: value should only be present for females default: false childBearingPotential: type: boolean description: value should only be present for females default: false allergies: type: boolean description: null indicates unknown emailAddress: type: string example: description: >- must be unique; strictly validated using Apache Commons Email Validator framework contactSource: type: string description: >- describes how a volunteer contact occurred; should match a source configured in the volunteer configure component generalPractitioner: type: string description: volunteer's physician example: Joseph Smith generalPractitionerPhoneNumber: type: string description: volunteer's physician phone number example: +1312 555 1212 descriptiongeneralPractitionerAddress: Customer ID assigned by the service provider - urltype: 'https://{ngrokPrefix}'string variables: ngrokPrefix: description: volunteer's physician address default: 04f5b951df6d example: 232 Yellobrick Lane description: first part of ngrok-assigned id pathssiteName: /saveVolunteer: post: type: string tags: example: Base -Site recruit summary: Saves a newdescription: volunteer>- operationId: saveVolunteer the name requestBody:of the site that the volunteer should be associated content:with; application/json: if not provided, use siteId schema: siteId: type: integer $ref: '#/components/schemas/Volunteer' descriptionformat: JSON volunteerinteger to add requiredexample: -1 true responses: description: >- '200': the id of description: 'Success: OK message.' the site that the volunteer should be associated with; if '401': not provided, description: 'Unauthorized: Must add Basic Authentication headers'use siteName paymentStrategy: '422': type: string description: >- enum: Invalid request: There are input validation errors; look at the JSON - IBAN response for details. - ABA security: - basicAuthexample: []IBAN /findActiveStudySites: getibanAccount: tags: type: string - recruit summaryexample: ES9121000418450200051332 Finds study sites that are actively recruiting description: Used if parameters:IBAN is chosen as Payment Strategy. Validated using - name: studyName ibanBank: in: query type: string description: >- example: CAIXESBB666 Case insensitive study namedescription: usedUsed toif matchIBAN studyis siteschosen withas thePayment Strategy. Validated using corresponding nameabaAccount: requiredtype: falsestring schemaexample: 123456789 typedescription: stringUsed if ABA is chosen as Payment Strategy. Validated -using name:ABANumberCheckDigit siteIdlibrary. inabaBank: query descriptiontype: string >- example: 021000021 ID of a given site; only study sites with thedescription: correspondingUsed siteif ABA is chosen as Payment Strategy. Validated using ABANumberCheckDigit library. will be returned previousStudyParticipation: required: false type: boolean schema: volunteerAnswers: type: array number example: format: int64 - namequestion: siteNameFavorite web application? in: query description: >- answer: Gmail Case insensitive- sitequestion: nameFavorite usednumber? to match study sites with the answer: '123' corresponding name - question: required:Favorite falsedecimal? schema: answer: '123.4' type: string - question: Favorite date? - name: locationOid inanswer: query'1969-07-20' description: >- Casearray sensitiveof locationsimple OIDobjects usedwith toverbatim matchClinSpark studyquestions sitesand with the corresponding OIDanswers requireditems: false schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerAnswer' volunteerNotes: type: array string responses: example: '200': - Volunteer travels often description: successful operation - Is content:afraid of needles application/jsondescription: Simple notes that move to a volunteer notes section schema: items: type: arraystring volunteerRaces: items: type: array example: type: object - American Indian or Alaska Native properties: {} description: Must match race security:names defined in ClinSpark - basicAuth: [] /findUnassignedAppointmentsitems: get: tagstype: string - recruitvolunteerSubstanceUse: summary: Finds appointments for the given study sitetype: array parameters: example: - name: studySiteId - substanceUseCategory: Alcohol in: query descriptionname: ID ofBeer a given study site requireduseFrequency: trueWeek schema: useConsumption: '5' type: number consumptionUnit: Glass/Bottle (.5L) format: int64 - namesubstanceUseStatus: cohortNameSocial in: query startDate: '2001' description: >- lastConsumed: '2021-07-21' Case insensitive cohort name used for a wild card search; onlysubstanceNotes: Enjoys heavy IPAs appointments thatdescription: have>- an assigned cohort matching will be returned array of simple objects required:with falseverbatim ClinSpark questions and schema: corresponding answers type: string items: - name: appointmentType $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerSubstanceUse' inVolunteerUpdate: query type: object description: >- properties: id: Case insensitive appointment typed used for a wild card search;type: onlyinteger format: integer appointments that have an apointment type matching will be returnedexternalId: requiredtype: falsestring schemaexample: '987123' typedescription: stringUnique identifier in originating recruitment responses:system '200'title: descriptiontype: string successful operation example: Mr content: firstName: application/json: type: string schema: example: Joseph middleName: type: array type: string itemsdescription: >- can be an initial, if $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecruitmentAppointment' '400':no value is provided a '-' will be stored with description: Invalidthe usernamevolunteer suppliedreocord '404'lastName: descriptiontype: string User not found securityexample: Padres - basicAuthgenderMale: [] /listVolunteerAppointments: gettype: boolean tags ethnicHispanic: - recruit type: boolean summary: >- description: null indicates Findsunknown appointments for the given volunteer found by one ofotherRace: the parameters suppliedtype: string parameters: description: additional race details -if name:race externalIdtype doesn't match indateOfBirth: query descriptiontype: IDstring from source system example: '1980-05-27' required: false description: ISO DOB schema:in form of yyyy-MM-dd typenameSuffix: string - nametype: emailAddressstring indescription: queryjr, II descriptionnationality: Case insensitive email address requiredtype: falsestring schemapreferredLanguage: type: string - nameaddress: mobilePhone intype: querystring city: description: Will be converted to ISO format before a query takestype: placestring region: required: false type: string schema: description: >- type: string responses: should match regions configured in the volunteer '200':configuration description: successful operationcomponent; ie state / province content: country: application/jsontype: string postalCode: schema: type: string homePhone: type: array type: string items: description: >- tightly $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecruitmentAppointment' '400':validated based on the general settings configured; should be description:as Invalidclose usernameto suppliedISO format as possible with leading country code. '404': description: User not found is used for underlying security: validation - basicAuth: [] /assignAppointmentworkPhone: post: tagstype: string - recruit description: see homePhone summary: Allows for assigning a given appointmentmobilePhone: to a matching volunteer parameterstype: string - name: recruitmentAppointmentId description: same rules apply as homePhone, but must be unique in: querydatabase descriptionphoneNotes: ID from source system requiredtype: truestring schemadescription: can be arbitrary notes to guide recruiters about making phone calls type: number contactableByPhone: format: int64 type: boolean - name: externalId description: volunteer's permission to be contacted in:by queryphone descriptiondefault: IDtrue from source system contactableBySms: required: false type: boolean schema: description: volunteer's permission to be contacted by type:SMS string - namedefault: emailAddresstrue incontactableByEmailCampaign: query descriptiontype: Caseboolean insensitive email address description: volunteer's permission required:to falsebe contacted by emails schema: default: true typenextOfKin: string - nametype: mobilePhonestring indescription: query>- description: Will benotes convertedgenerally toabout ISOwho formatto beforecontact ashould querythere takesbe placea reason to do required: false so in an emergency situation schema: volunteerEmploymentStatus: type: string type: string responses: '200'enum: description: successful operation- Unemployed content: - Student application/json: - EmployedPartTime schema: - EmployedFullTime type:- objectRetired '422'weightKilos: descriptiontype: renderednumber if appointment could not be found format: double security: - basicAuthexample: []123.45 /cancelAppointment: postheightMeters: tags: type: number - recruit summaryformat: Allowsdouble for canceling a given appointment parametersexample: 2.12 - namevegetarian: recruitmentAppointmentId intype: queryboolean description: IDnull fromindicates sourceunknown system requiredsurgicallySterile: true schematype: boolean default: false type: number contraceptionType: format: int64 type: string responses: '200'example: Abstinence description: successfulshould operationmatch a type configured in the volunteer configure component content: numberOfChildren: application/json: type: integer schemadescription: value should only be present for females typeminimum: 0 object '422'maximum: 20 descriptionmenstruationStartAge: rendered if appointment could not be found type: integer security: -description: basicAuth:value []should components:only be present securitySchemes:for females basicAuth: typeminimum: http8 scheme: basic schemasmaximum: 50 VolunteerAnswer: type: object menstruationEndAge: properties: type: question:integer typedescription: stringvalue should only be present for females example: Favorite web application? minimum: 10 description: Verbatim custom volunteermaximum: question100 answerlastPeriodStartDate: type: string descriptionexample: Answer format must match that defined by the custom question Volunteer: type: object'2024-05-27' description: In form of yyyy-MM-dd; value should only be present for females propertiesregularPeriodIntervalDays: externalId type: integer type description: stringvalue should only be present for females example: '987123' minimum: 0 description: Unique identifier in originating recruitmentmaximum: system100 titleregularPeriodDurationDays: type: stringinteger exampledescription: Mrvalue should only be present for females firstName: typeminimum: string0 examplemaximum: Joseph100 middleNamecurrentlyPregnant: type: stringboolean description: >-value should only be present for females can be an initial, ifdefault: nofalse value is provided a '-' will be stored withcurrentlyBreastFeeding: type: boolean the volunteer reocord lastNamedescription: value should only be present for females type: string exampledefault: Padresfalse genderMalechildBearingPotential: type: boolean ethnicHispanic: description: value should only be present type: booleanfor females descriptiondefault: nullfalse indicates unknown otherRaceallergies: type: stringboolean description: additionalnull race details if race type doesn't matchindicates unknown dateOfBirthemailAddress: type: string example: '1980-05-27' description: ISO>- DOB in form of yyyy-MM-dd must nameSuffix:be unique; strictly validated using Apache Commons Email type: string Validator framework description: 'jr, II' nationalitycontactSource: type: string preferredLanguage: typedescription: string>- address: describes how a volunteer contact occurred; should type:match stringa source city: configured in the volunteer type:configure stringcomponent regiongeneralPractitioner: type: string description: >-volunteer's physician generalPractitionerPhoneNumber: should match regions configured in the volunteer configuration type: string component; ie state / provincedescription: volunteer's physician phone number countrygeneralPractitionerAddress: type: string postalCodedescription: volunteer's physician address typesiteId: string homePhonetype: integer typeformat: stringinteger descriptionexample: >-1 description: >- tightly validated based on the general settings configured; should the id of the site that the volunteer should be as close to ISO format as possibleassociated with; leadingif country code. not is used for underlyingprovided, use siteName paymentStrategy: validation type: string workPhone: typeenum: string description: see homePhone- IBAN mobilePhone: - ABA type: string example: IBAN description: 'same rules apply as homePhone, but must beibanAccount: unique in database' phoneNotestype: string typeexample: stringES9121000418450200051332 description: canUsed beif arbitraryIBAN notesis tochosen guideas recruitersPayment aboutStrategy. makingValidated phoneusing contactableByPhoneibanBank: type: booleanstring descriptionexample: volunteer's permission to be contacted by phone default: true CAIXESBB666 description: Used if IBAN is chosen as Payment Strategy. Validated using contactableBySmsabaAccount: type: booleanstring descriptionexample: volunteer's123456789 permission to be contacted by SMS description: Used if ABA is chosen default:as truePayment Strategy. Validated using ABANumberCheckDigit library. contactableByEmailCampaign: abaBank: type: boolean type: string description: volunteer's permission to be contacted byexample: emails021000021 defaultdescription: trueUsed if ABA is chosen as Payment Strategy. Validated nextOfKin:using ABANumberCheckDigit library. typepreviousStudyParticipation: string type: boolean description: >- VolunteerSubstanceUse: type: object notes generally about who to contactproperties: should there be a reason to do substanceUseCategory: sotype: instring an emergency situation example: volunteerEmploymentStatus:Alcohol typeenum: string - enum:Alcohol - UnemployedCaffeine - StudentTobacco - EmployedPartTime Drugs name: - EmployedFullTimetype: string description: >- Retired weightKilos: must be associated with the relevant category defined type:in the number format: doublevolunteer configure component exampleuseFrequency: 123.45 heightMeterstype: string typedescription: provides numbercontext to the useConsumption format: double default: Week example: 2.12 enum: vegetarian: - Day type: boolean - Week description: null indicates unknown - surgicallySterile:Month type: boolean - Year defaultuseConsumption: false contraceptionTypetype: string typedescription: string >- example: Abstinence the amount of the substance consumed in the defined description:frequency; should match a type configured in the volunteer configure component should be a number numberOfChildren: default: '5' type: integer consumptionUnit: description: value should only be present fortype: femalesstring minimumdescription: 0>- maximum: 20 must be associated with the relevant category / menstruationStartAge:name defined in the type: integer volunteer configure component description: value should only be present for femalesdefault: Glass/Bottle (.5L) minimumsubstanceUseStatus: 8 maximumtype: 50string menstruationEndAge: enum: type: integer - Social description: value should only be present for- femalesRegular minimum: 10 - Previous maximumstartDate: 100 lastPeriodStartDatetype: string typedescription: string>- description: In form of yyyy-MM-dd; valuefor shouldpartial onlydates, besimply presentomit forthe femalesfields 2009 would be regularPeriodIntervalDays: 2009, Jan of 2008 type:would integerbe 2008-01, Feb 12 2007 would be 2007-02-12 description: value should only be present forendDate: females minimumtype: 0string maximumdescription: 100see startDate regularPeriodDurationDayslastConsumed: type: integerstring description: see startDate value should only be present for femalessubstanceNotes: minimumtype: 0string maximumdescription: general 100notes about the substance use currentlyPregnantRecruitmentAppointment: type: object typeproperties: boolean id: description: value should only be present fortype: femalesinteger defaultformat: falseinteger currentlyBreastFeedingappointmentType: type: booleanstring descriptionexample: valueScreening should only be present for females description: configured with study site details default: false childBearingPotentialappointmentNumber: type: booleanstring descriptionexample: A0001 value should only be present for femalesestimatedAppointmentDurationMinutes: defaulttype: integer false allergiesformat: int32 type: booleanexample: 60 appointmentNotes: description: null indicatestype: unknownstring emailAddressappointmentTime: type: string description: >-ISO date time in UTC mustcohort: be unique; strictly validated using Apache Commons Email $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cohort' recruitmentAppointmentStatus: Validator framework contactSourcetype: string typeenum: string description: >- Unassigned - describesAssigned how a volunteer contact occurred; should match a source- CheckedIn configured in- theFailed volunteer configure component generalPractitioner: - Success typedateCreated: string type: description:string volunteer's physician generalPractitionerPhoneNumberformat: date-time typelastUpdated: string descriptiontype: volunteer'sstring physician phone number generalPractitionerAddressformat: date-time typestudyName: string descriptiontype: volunteer'sstring physician address siteNameexample: ABC123 typestudyId: string exampletype: Baseinteger Site descriptionexample: >-113 studyState: the name of the site that the volunteertype: shouldstring be associated with; enum: if not provided, use siteId - ACTIVE siteId: - ARCHIVED type: integer - format:DESIGN int64 example: -1 LOCKED descriptionepochs: >- type: array the id of the site that the volunteer should beitems: associated with; if $ref: '#/components/schemas/EpochShort' not provided, use siteName volunteerAnswersCohort: type: object array properties: example: disabled: - questiontype: Favoriteboolean web application? default: false answer: Gmail requireVolunteerRecruitment: - questiontype: Favoriteboolean number? default: false answer: '123' name: - questiontype: Favoritestring decimal? example: Cohort 1 answer: '123.4' description: - question: Favorite date?type: string subjectNumberAction: answer: '1969-07-20' type: string description: >- enum: array of simple objects with verbatim- ClinSparkSCREENING questions and - LEAD_IN corresponding answers items:- RANDOMIZATION $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerAnswer' - APPOINTMENT volunteerRacesdataLocked: type: arrayboolean exampledescription: >- - Americanis Indiandata orassociated Alaskawith Nativethe cohort locked for further data description: Must match race names defined in ClinSparkcollection? itemsdefault: false recruitmentActive: type: string type: boolean volunteerSubstanceUse: description: is type: array the cohort active for recruitment examplerecruitmentMaleGoal: type: number - substanceUseCategory: Alcohol format: int32 namerecruitmentFemaleGoal: Beer type: number useFrequency: Week format: int32 useConsumptionrecruitmentGoal: '5' type: number consumptionUnit: Glass/Bottle (.5L) format: int32 VolunteerSearchResult: substanceUseStatustype: object Social properties: startDateeligible: '2001' type: boolean lastConsumed: '2021-07-21' description: true if the volunteer matches criteria of the substanceNotes:volunteer Enjoyssearch heavy IPAs default: false description: >- name: array of simple objects with verbatimtype: ClinSparkstring questions and description: the name of correspondingthe answersadvanced search itemsstudy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerSubstanceUseStudy' VolunteerSubstanceUse: site: type: object properties:$ref: '#/components/schemas/Site' substanceUseCategorycohort: type: string$ref: '#/components/schemas/Cohort' Site: exampletype: Alcohol object enumproperties: id: - Alcohol type: integer - Caffeine format: integer - Tobaccoarchived: type: boolean - Drugs namedescription: is site archived? type: string default: false descriptionname: >- type: string must be associated with the relevant category defined in theexample: Grafton volunteerRegionLabel: volunteer configure component type: string useFrequency: typeexample: stringState description: allows for providescustomizing contexta toregion the(ie useConsumptionState, Province, etc) defaultvolunteerEnrollmentConfirmationStatement: Week enumtype: string description: -statement Daymade during point of enrollment when staff is present - Week heightUnits: - Month type: string - Yearenum: useConsumption: - Meters type: string - Centimeters description: >- - Inches the amount of the substance consumedweightUnits: in the defined frequency; type: string should be a number enum: default: '5' - Kilo consumptionUnit: - Pound type: string address: description: >- type: string must be associated with the relevantdescription: categorystreet /address name defined in the city: volunteer configure component type: string defaultstateProvince: Glass/Bottle (.5L) substanceUseStatustype: string typepostalCode: string enumtype: string country: - Social type: string - Regular phoneNumber: -type: Previousstring startDatefaxNumber: type: string timeZoneId: description: >- type: string yyyy-MM-dd; for partial dates, simply omitinvestigatorId: the fields 2009 would be type: string 2009, Jan of 2008investigatorName: would be 2008-01, Feb 12 2007 would be 2007-02-12 type: string endDateStudy: type: object type: string properties: descriptionid: see startDate lastConsumedtype: integer typeformat: stringinteger descriptionstudyState: see startDate substanceNotestype: string type: stringenum: - DESIGN description: general notes about the substance use - ACTIVE RecruitmentAppointment: type: object - LOCKED properties: id: - ARCHIVED typename: integer formattype: int64string appointmentTypedescription: type: string exampleprotocolName: Screening descriptiontype: configuredstring with study site details appointmentNumberepochs: type: stringarray exampleitems: A0001 estimatedAppointmentDurationMinutes$ref: '#/components/schemas/Epoch' Epoch: type: integerobject properties: formatdisabled: int32 appointmentNotestype: boolean typedefault: stringfalse appointmentTimename: type: string descriptionexample: ISO date time in UTC Treatment description: cohorttype: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cohort' example: Treatment recruitmentAppointmentStatuscohorts: type: stringarray enumitems: - Unassigned$ref: '#/components/schemas/Cohort' EpochShort: type: -object Assigned properties: - CheckedIn disabled: type: -boolean Failed default: false - Success dateCreatedname: type: string formatexample: date-timeTreatment lastUpdateddescription: type: string formatexample: date-timeTreatment CohortStudySite: type: object properties: disabledid: type: booleaninteger defaultformat: falseinteger requireVolunteerRecruitmentunassignedAppointmentCount: type: booleannumber defaultformat: falseint32 nameappointmentTypes: type: stringarray example: Cohort 1 description: - Screening type: string - OPV subjectNumberAction: items: type: string enumtype: string locationOid: - SCREENING type: string - LEAD_IN example: '1' - RANDOMIZATION investigatorId: -type: APPOINTMENTstring dataLockedinvestigatorName: type: string boolean appointmentsRequireRecruitmentVolunteer: description: >- type: boolean is dataappointmentsRequireRecruitmentVolunteerInCohort: associated with the cohort locked for further data type: boolean collection?recruitmentDescription: defaulttype: falsestring recruitmentActivedefaultAppointmentDurationMinutes: type: booleannumber descriptionformat: is the cohort active for recruitmentint32 recruitmentMaleGoal: type: number format: int32 recruitmentFemaleGoal: type: number format: int32 recruitmentGoalsite: type: number$ref: '#/components/schemas/Site' study: format: int32$ref: '#/components/schemas/Study' |