Versions Compared


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Code Block
function getTimeZoneOffsetisLogicalIncompleteDatetime(timeZoneIdvalue) {
    var// timezoneOffsetsSplit =the {datetime into date and time parts
   "US/Pacific": -7 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        "US/Mountain": -6 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        "US/Central": -5 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        "US/Eastern": -4 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        "Europe/London": 0 * 60 * 60 * 1000, var parts = value.split('T');
    var datePart = parts[0].split('-');
    var timePart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].split(':') : [];

    // Define helper function to check if an array has any missing parts
    function hasMissingParts(arr) {
        return arr.some(function (part) {
         "Europe/Berlin": 1 * 60return *part 60=== *null 1000,
  || part.trim() === '';
     "Europe/Paris": 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, });

    "Europe//Madrid": 1Check *for 60logical *date 60parts
* 1000,   if (datePart.length ===    "Europe/Rome": 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000,3) {
             "Europe/Warsaw": 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000,// Year should not be missing
        if  "Europe/Moscow": 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000,(datePart[0].trim() === '') {
             "UTC": 0 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
        "GMT": 0 * 60 * 60 * 1000,customErrorMessage('Year is missing, but month or day is present.');
            return }false;
     return timezoneOffsets[timeZoneId] || 0;

function normalizeIncompleteDatetime(value, timeZoneId) {     logger("Original value: " + value);

    // SplitIf themonth dateis andpresent, timeyear partsshould be present
  var parts = value.split('T');     varif (datePart = parts[01].splittrim('-');

    // Default year, month, and day
    var year = datePart[0] ? parseInt(datePart[0], 10) : 0;
    var month = datePart[1] !== '' && datePart[10].trim() !=== '' ? parseInt(datePart[1], 10) -{
1 : 0;  // Default to January (month = 0)  customErrorMessage('Month is present, varbut dayyear = datePart[2] && datePart[2].trim() !== '' ? parseInt(datePart[2], 10) : 1is missing.');
       // Default to 1st of thereturn monthfalse;
     // Split the time}
and pad missing parts with defaults   // If varday timePartis = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].split(':') : [];present, both year and month should be present
    var hour = timePart[0] && timePart[0 if (datePart[2].trim() !== '' ?&& parseInt(timePartdatePart[0], 10) : 0;
    var minute = timePart[1] && timePart.trim() === '' || datePart[1].trim() !=== '')) ? parseInt(timePart[1], 10) : 0;{
        var second = timePart.length > 2 && timePart[2].trim() !== '' ? parseInt(timePart[2], 10) : 0 customErrorMessage('Day is present, but year or month is missing.');
     // Create the Date object directly in thereturn localfalse;
timezone     var normalizedDatetime = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);}

    // Check iffor thelogical datetime is validparts
    if (isNaN(normalizedDatetime.getTime())) {
        logger("Error: Invalid Date created from input value.");
timePart.length > 0) {
       customErrorMessage('The datetime "' + value + '" could // Hour should not be interpretedmissing asif aminutes valid date.');
 or seconds are present
      return null; if (timePart[0].trim() === '' }

    // Adjust the datetime according to the timezone offset
    var timezoneOffset = getTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneId);
    normalizedDatetime = new Date(normalizedDatetime.getTime() - timezoneOffset);  // Corrected: Subtracting the offset to convert from MT to UTC
    logger("Date object adjusted for " + timeZoneId + ": " + normalizedDatetime);&& (timePart[1].trim() !== '' || timePart.length > 2 && timePart[2].trim() !== '')) {
            customErrorMessage('Hour is missing, but minute or second is present.');
            return normalizedDatetimefalse;
}  function isNotInFuture(datetimeValue, timeZoneId) {   }

logger("Starting isNotInFuture check...");      // If Normalizeminutes theare incompletepresent, datetimehour valueshould directlybe inpresent
the timezone     var normalizedDatetime = normalizeIncompleteDatetime(datetimeValue, timeZoneId);
    if (!normalizedDatetime) {if (timePart[1].trim() !== '' && timePart[0].trim() === '') {
          // Return false if we couldn't create a valid date  customErrorMessage('Minute is present, but hour is missing.');
            return false;
    }      logger("Normalized datetime for comparison: " + normalizedDatetime);}

          // GetIf theseconds currentare timepresent, adjustedboth tohour theand localminute timezoneshould be   present
var now = new Date();    if logger("Current local time: " + now);

    // Compare the datetime
    if (normalizedDatetime.getTime() >= now.getTime(timePart.length > 2 && timePart[2].trim() !== '' && (timePart[0].trim() === '' || timePart[1].trim() === '')) {
        var errorMessage = 'The datetime "' + datetimeValue + '" customErrorMessage('Second is inpresent, thebut futurehour or exactly at the current time, which is not allowed.'minute is missing.');
        logger("Error: " + errorMessage); return   false;
    customErrorMessage(errorMessage);    }
    }// If all checks pass, the logger("Datetimedatetime is not in the future.");logically consistent
    return true;

// Extract the timezone from formJson
var timeZoneId =;
logger("TimeZone ID: " + timeZoneId);

// RunExecute the check againston the provided item value
logger("Item value: " + itemJson.item.value);'s value
var isValid = isNotInFutureisLogicalIncompleteDatetime(itemJson.item.value, timeZoneId);
logger("Validation result: " + isValid);
return isValid;

Edit Check Walkthrough
