For Volunteer Questions, only Superadmin users can modify question Answer Patterns.
Study > Data
Up until version 23.3, only Superadmin users have access to a support feature in Study > Data, for each form/timepoint. This ‘Move’ action item is available in order to perform audited actions in the user interface in order to resolve certain service requests to modify site, subject, and study event details on study forms.
Starting in version 23.3, this feature is not exclusive to Superadmin users, and is available to customers to use. It is protected by a role action called ‘Study Data Move Form Data’. More details about that role action are available on this article: https://foundryhealth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/3709239305/Role+Actions#Study-Data-Move-Form-Data
Devices > Configure
For most customers, nearly all of the device integration capabilities for a given ClinSpark instance are established and maintained by Superadmin users. Additionally, when a given device is ‘archived’ from system use, it’s not visible to non-Superadmin users.