The Recruitment was API was originally introduced in early versions of ClinSpark and offers a basic set of capabilities to integrate ClinSpark with a recruitment website. It still exists today, and can be used in current (latest) ClinSpark releases. This document refers to the use of that basic Recruitment API.
However, current ClinSpark releases offer an updated API called Recruit. This newer API has an accompanying system setting, which can support more advanced workflows and website integration needs. That Recruit API is documented in it’s own separate section of the help site.
If there are questions about use of the API for recruitment website integration, please reach out to the Foundry Health team via the service desk.
This API is documented (and is testable using Swagger), below.
Swagger integration | ||||
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: ClinSpark Recruitment API version: "1.0" description: "This is REST API docummentation for Foundry Health's ClinSpark. To test API you would need to request `API User` credentials to use them to set Basic Authorization HTTP headers." servers: - url: 'https://{customerId}' variables: customerId: default: community-dev description: Customer ID assigned by the service provider - url: 'https://{ngrokPrefix}' variables: ngrokPrefix: default: 04f5b951df6d description: first part of ngrok-assigned id paths: /saveVolunteerRequest: post: security: - basicAuth: [] summary: "Registers a volunteer's interest to participate studies." description: '' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerRequest' description: a VolunteerRequest object required: true responses: '200': description: Success. The ID of the created object will be in the response body '401': description: Unauthorized. You must add Basic Authentication headers '422': description: Invalid request. There are input validation errors. Look at the JSON response for details /saveVolunteerStudyInterest: post: security: - basicAuth: [] summary: "Registers a volunteer's interest to participate in a particular study and/or cohort." description: '' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerStudyInterest' description: a VolunteerStudyInterest object required: true responses: '200': description: Success. The ID of the created object will be in the response body '401': description: Unauthorized. You must add Basic Authentication headers '422': description: Invalid request. There are input validation errors. Look at the JSON response for details components: schemas: VolunteerStudyInterest: type: object properties: notes: type: string example: Some notes entered by the volunteer description: any additional notes entered by the volunteer abaAccount: type: string example: 00257 596 minLength: 6 maxLength: 16 description: "volunteer's ABA Account Number" abaBank: type: string example: 91000019 minLength: 4 description: "volunteer's ABA Bank Number" ibanAccount: type: string example: 844-0103700-34 minLength: 6 maxLength: 30 description: "volunteer's IBAN Account number" ibanBank: type: string example: BE68844010370034 minLength: 12 maxLength: 30 description: "volunteer's IBAN Bank number" generalPractitionerAddress: type: string example: '123 Yellobrick Lane. Antwerp, BE 60657' minLength: 8 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner address" generalPractitionerPhoneNumber: type: string format: phone example: '+13125551212' minLength: 8 maxLength: 60 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner phone number" generalPractitioner: type: string example: David Hasslehoff minLength: 6 maxLength: 100 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner name" country: type: string example: US minLength: 2 maxLength: 3 description: "volunteer's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. See" region: type: string example: IL minLength: 2 description: "volunteer's region" city: type: string example: Chicago minLength: 2 description: "volunteer's city" postalCode: type: string example: '60606' minLength: 3 description: "volunteer's postal code" address: type: string example: 123 Main St description: "volunteer's postal address" workPhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's work phone number" homePhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's home phone number" mobilePhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's mobile phone number" emailAddress: type: string format: email minLength: 4 example: description: "volunteer's email address" dateOfBirth: type: string format: date example: '1979-12-31' description: "volunteer's date of birth. Full-date notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6" lastName: type: string example: Good description: "volunteer's last name" middleName: type: string example: '' description: "volunteer's middle name." firstName: type: string example: Robin description: "volunteer's first name" cohorts: type: array items: type: string uniqueItems: true description: list of cohorts the volunteer is interested in genderMale: type: boolean example: true description: "volunteer's gander, set to true for male, and false otherwise" requestSource: type: string example: Facebook description: How did the volunteer find out about study? studyName: type: string minLength: 2 example: Demo Study description: Study the volunteer is interested in required: - studyName - firstName - lastName - genderMale - dateOfBirth VolunteerRequest: type: object properties: notes: type: string example: Some notes entered by the volunteer description: any additional notes entered by the volunteer contactSource: type: string example: facebook description: did the volunteer hear about this research facility? vegetarian: type: boolean example: 'true' description: is the volunteer a vegetarian? allergies: type: boolean example: 'true' description: does the volunteer have allergies? contraceptionType: type: string example: Condom description: type of contraception used by the volunteer. Note that this MUST match a value from the list configured in ClinSpark. generalPractitionerAddress: type: string example: '123 Yellobrick Lane. Antwerp, BE 60657' minLength: 8 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner address" generalPractitionerPhoneNumber: type: string format: phone example: '+13125551212' minLength: 8 maxLength: 60 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner phone number" generalPractitioner: type: string example: David Hasslehoff minLength: 6 maxLength: 100 description: "volunteer's generalPractitioner name" ibanBank: type: string example: '5678901' description: "volunteer's IBAN Bank number" ibanAccount: type: string example: '1234567' description: "volunteer's IBAN account number" abaBank: type: string example: '5678901' description: "volunteer's ABA Bank number" abaAccount: type: string example: '1234567' description: "volunteer's ABA account number" country: type: string example: US minLength: 2 maxLength: 3 description: "volunteer's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. See" region: type: string example: IL description: "volunteer's region" city: type: string example: Chicago description: "volunteer's city" postalCode: type: string example: '60606' description: "volunteer's postal code" address: type: string example: 123 Main St description: "volunteer's postal address" phoneNotes: type: string format: phone example: Do not call after 9 PM description: "notes about the volunteer's phone number" workPhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's work phone number" homePhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's home phone number" mobilePhone: type: string format: phone example: +1312 555 1212 description: "volunteer's mobile phone number" emailAddress: type: string format: email example: description: "volunteer's email address" heightMeters: type: number format: double minimum: 1 maximum: 3 example: '1.9' description: "A volunteer's height in meters" weightKilos: type: number format: double minimum: 1 maximum: 370 example: 90 description: "A volunteer's weight in kilograms" otherRace: type: string example: asian minLength: 3 description: A volunteer race which is not on the list of standard races dateOfBirth: type: string format: date example: '1979-12-31' description: "volunteer's date of birth. Full-date notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6" previousStudyParticipation: type: boolean example: true description: Has the volunteer previously participated in a study nextOfKin: type: string example: 'Uncle Bob, phone: +1312 456 7890' description: "volunteer's next of kin info, freeform" preferredLanguage: type: string example: Belgian description: "volunteer's name suffix" nationality: type: string example: Belgian description: "volunteer's name suffix" nameSuffix: type: string example: Jr description: "volunteer's name suffix" lastName: type: string example: Good description: "volunteer's last name" middleName: type: string example: '' description: "volunteer's middle name" firstName: type: string example: Robin minLength: 2 description: "volunteer's first name" title: type: string example: '' minLength: 2 description: "volunteer's title in their name (like Dr)" contactableByEmailCampaign: type: boolean example: true description: Can they be contacted by Email Campaigns? contactableByPhone: type: boolean example: true description: Can they be contacted by Phone? contactableBySms: type: boolean example: true description: Can they be contacted by SMS? genderMale: type: boolean example: true description: "volunteer's gander, set to true for male, and false otherwise" requestSource: type: string example: Facebook description: How did the volunteer find out about study? volunteerRaces: type: array items: type: string example: Asian enum: - AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative - Asian - BlackOrAfricanAmerican - NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander - White - OtherRace - Unknown example: [Asian, White] volunteerRequestAnswers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VolunteerRequestAnswer' externalId: type: string example: '1234567' maxLength: 256 description: 'This is the id of this same volunteer record in another system. This can be used for instance to later sync updates, but including the external ID along with the values that have changed.' required: - firstName - lastName - email - race - genderMale - dateOfBirth - previousStudyParticipation VolunteerRequestAnswer: type: object properties: question: type: string example: What is your favorite color description: A custom volunteer question name defined in ClinSpark. This must EXACTLY match how it appears in ClinSpark, including capitalization. answer: type: string example: Blue description: The volunteer's answer, which can be a freeform string according to the API. However note that it must conform to any format restrictions defined within ClinSpark required: - question - answer securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http scheme: Basic tags: - name: recruitment description: Volunteer Recruitment API |