Epoch, Cohort, and Subjects
The data display can be quickly narrowed to specific subject populations by leveraging Epoch, Cohort, and Subject filters; where Epoch defines the stage of the study and Cohort defines a group of subjects within that stage.
Filtering by Study Event displays data fields collected on a specific trial day. For example: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.
Filtering by Form displays data fields collected as part of a given data collection ‘page’ or ‘screen’. For example: Demographic, Dosing, or PK data.
Status filtering facilitates visualization of data in various states (i.e. complete, incomplete, out of range, etc) and is especially useful during data cleaning efforts.
Queries can be filtered based on their status as well as based on query issuer. This allows for rapid targeting of specific queries in various states. Note that query filtering is also supported by way of a query dashboard component within the Dashboard module.
Review progress can be tracked by filtering against review status as well as by reviewer. This allows for rapid targeting of specific data review states by various roles/departments.